Issue - meetings

Communications and engagement strategy

Meeting: 07/04/2022 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Joint communications and engagement strategy pdf icon PDF 240 KB

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive – Transformation and Operations. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the report of the deputy chief executive – transformation and operations.  This proposed a communications and engagement strategy, a joint strategy with Vale of White Horse District Council. 


The Cabinet member explained that the strategy would allow the council to govern its communications to ensure that meaningful, consistent and tailored messaging reached all of the council’s diverse audiences.  The strategy would provide the framework for communications and engagement activities.  It included the key principles from the council’s public engagement charter, which would be replaced by the strategy.  The strategy also highlighted several areas that would be strengthened.  These included improving customer satisfaction by raising awareness of the council’s services and the work the council was doing to help South Oxfordshire thrive.  It would strengthen engagement with others and improve the council’s reputation by demonstrating that the council informed and listened to its communities.  The Cabinet member emphasised that all staff and councillors had a role to play in the strategy’s success. 


Cabinet noted that the Scrutiny Committee had considered the draft strategy and had welcomed it. 


Cabinet concurred and agreed that the strategy should be approved. 




(a)       approve the Joint Communications and Engagement Strategy, attached as Appendix 1 to the 7 April 2022 Cabinet report of the deputy chief executive – transformation and operations; and


(b)       authorise the head of corporate services, in consultation with the Cabinet member for corporate services (South) and the Cabinet member for community engagement (Vale), to approve annual action plans that will underpin the strategy.