Issue - meetings

External auditor's annual audit letter 2020/21

Meeting: 27/09/2022 - Joint Audit and Governance Committee (Item 28)

28 External auditor's annual audit letter 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive the annual audit letter from the council’s external auditor, EY

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The committee considered the external audit report, which summarised the auditors’ annual reports for both councils for the year ended 31 March 2021. The report focused on two aspects, whether the council’s accounts presented a true and fair view of the finances of the organisation and whether the council had appropriate arrangements in place to ensure value for money for its residents. It was stated by the audit letter that there was no reason to report by exception as it was determined that there were no weaknesses in the councils’ arrangement to demonstrate value for money. Both councils had very similar reports and there no matter that were wished to be highlighted.

Resolved: Both councils voted unanimously to accept the audit report.