18 Housing Delivery Strategy Update and Action Plan 2024/25 PDF 280 KB
To consider the head of housing and environment’s report.
To provide an update on the progress of the housing delivery strategy and its associated actions for 2022/23 and 2023/24. To propose a new action plan for 2024/25 to continue the ongoing work to increase affordable and suitable housing.
a) That Cabinet notes the changes in the national housing guidelines (or legislation) since the housing delivery strategy, and action plan, was adopted in 2022 and the associated impact that this has on the housing delivery strategy.
b) That Cabinet notes the latest progress against the action plan, as well as the significant efforts made in purchasing of property under the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) scheme.
c) That Cabinet adopts the proposed new housing delivery strategy action plan for 2024/25.
Additional documents:
Cabinet received the Housing Delivery Strategy update and Action Plan 2024/25 report from the head of housing and environment. The report updated Cabinet on the progress of the housing delivery strategy for 2022/23 and 2023/24 and proposed a new action plan for 2024/25.
The Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, and Deputy Leader, Councillor Robin Bennett, presented the report and highlighted that the first housing delivery strategy was adopted in November 2022 and was the first of its kind for the council. The strategy covered everything that could be controlled by the council and focused on delivering affordable, high quality, housing for the district. Councillor Bennett noted that several houses had also been delivered outside of the plan through the local authority housing fund purchases. He also informed Cabinet that the council was implementing a Section 106 grant scheme for affordable housing provision and was looking at direct provision of affordable housing.
Members noted that the plan would keep the council focused on delivering their goals around housing whilst acknowledging the desire to scale up the provision of affordable housing in the future. Cabinet also highlighted the amount of progress that had been made in that area since they had first adopted the housing delivery strategy in 2022.
Cabinet, satisfied with the report, agreed that it be noted and that the proposed new housing delivery strategy action plan for 2024/25 be approved.
(a) note the changes in the national housing guidelines (or legislation) since the housing delivery strategy and action plan was adopted in 2022 and the associated impact that this has on the housing delivery strategy;
(b) note the latest progress against the action plan, as well as the significant efforts made in purchasing of property under the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) scheme; and
(c) adopt the proposed new housing delivery strategy action plan for 2024/25.