Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 10 August 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Didcot Civic Hall, Britwell Road, Didcot, OX11 7JN

Contact: Nicola Meurer  email

No. Item


Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, and other declarations, in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 


Councillor Margaret Davies declared that in relation to P15/S1880/O – land at former Didcot A Power Station, Purchase Road, Didcot, she would be stepping down from the committee and not voting on this item due to having previously expressed views on this application.


Minutes of the previous meeting




The minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2016 were withdrawn from the agenda and would be submitted to a future meeting.


Urgent items




Applications deferred or withdrawn


The committee agreed to defer consideration of application P15/S42227/FUL, land rear of 22 and 24 Blacklands Road, Benson, pending a site visit.


Proposals for site visit reports




P16/S1468/O - Land north of Mill Lane, Chinnor pdf icon PDF 197 KB

Application for outline planning permission for the construction of up to 78 dwellings (including affordable housing) with associated access, amenity space and landscaping.

Additional documents:


Ian White, one of the local ward councillors, stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting on this item. 


The committee considered application P16/S1468/O for outline planning permission for the construction of up to 78 dwellings (including affordable housing) with associated access, amenity space and landscaping on land north of Mill Lane, Chinnor.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer update: a further 9 responses had been received objecting to the application.


Robin Williams and Pat Haywood, representatives of Chinnor parish council, spoke objecting to the application. Their concerns included the following:

·         Despite originally being one of the preferred options identified, this site was no longer considered appropriate;

·         The application was premature and would undermine the imminent publication of the Neighbourhood Plan;

·         Chinnor was being overdeveloped;

·         Construction noise and disturbance would adversely affect the neighbouring school;

·         There would be an increased risk of traffic accidents;

·         The site was not a sustainable location; and

·         There was a lack of infrastructure to support the development.


David Poole and Keith Webley, local residents, spoke objecting to the application. Their concerns included the following:

·         The need to preserve the ancient hedgerow;

·         Existing drainage problems would be exacerbated;

·         The transport assessment was inadequate and inaccurate; and

·         Local roads were already at capacity.


Nik Kyzba and David Burson, the applicant’s agents, spoke in support of the application:

·         The site was in a sustainable location and was an appropriate site for housing;

·         There was a significant shortage of housing in South Oxfordshire and this proposal contributed to the supply of deliverable housing sites; and

·         There had been no technical objections to the proposal.


Ian White, one of the local the local ward members, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The cumulative effect of developments already approved and those awaiting consideration;

·         The number of dormitory workers this and other developments would bring to Chinnor;

·         Local primary schools were at capacity and there was no local secondary school; and

·         Local GP surgeries were at capacity.


The officer responded to questions and comments raised as follows:

·         Recent appeal decisions relating to South Oxfordshire had established that applications for housing should now be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development and should be permitted unless there was demonstrable planning harm that outweighed the benefit of providing new housing.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to delegate authority to grant outline planning permission for application P16/S1468/O to the head of planning subject to:


 i.       the prior completion of a Section 106 planning obligation to secure the affordable housing, financial contributions and other obligations stated in the report and,


ii.       the following conditions:


1.    Outline planning permission.

2.    Approved plans.

3.    Sample materials to be agreed.

4.    Slab and ridge levels to be agreed.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66.


P15/S1880/O - Land at former Didcot A Power Station, Purchase Road, Didcot pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Mixed use redevelopment comprising up to 400 dwellings (C3), 110,000ms of Class B2/B8 units, 25,000m2 of Class B1 units, 13,000m2 Class A1 units (includes 1,500m2 convenience food store), 150 bed Class C1 hotel and 500m2 of Class A3/A4 pub/restaurant, including link road, related open space, landscaping and drainage infrastructure, togerther with reservation of land for link road and Science Bridge.  Cross boundary application Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire.

Additional documents:


Margaret Davies stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting on this item.


The committee considered application P15/S1880/O for outline planning permission for a mixed use redevelopment comprising up to 400 dwellings (C3), 110,000ms of Class B2/B8 units, 25,000m2 of Class B1 units, 13,000m2 Class A1 units (includes 1,500m2 convenience food store), 150 bed Class C1 hotel and 500m2 of Class A3/A4 pub/restaurant, including link road, related open space, landscaping and drainage infrastructure, togerther with reservation of land for link road and Science Bridge.  This was a cross boundary application which had been approved by Vale of White Horse district council’s planning committee at its meeting on 27 July 2016.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer update: the Secretary of State did not wish to call in the Vale of White Horse element of the proposal.


James Hicks, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application:

·         The scheme had evolved to take into account the needs of Didcot residents;

·         The proposals were in accordance with local planning policies; and

·         An affordable housing provision of 32% had been agreed with the officers.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to delegate authority to grant outline planning permission for application P15/S1880/O to the head of planning subject to:


1: Referral to National Casework Unit (Vale).


2: A S106 Agreement to deliver the infrastructure package.


3: The following key conditions (others may be added)


1)  Approval of reserved matters.

2)  Time limit for submission of reserved matters.

3)  Time limit for implementation.

4)  Approved plans and documents.

5)  Environmental statement.

6)  Site wide construction environmental management plan.

7)  Sample materials required (all uses).

8)  Biodiversity enhancement strategy.

9)  Update surveys before any phase of development.

10) Phasing.

11) Tree protection.

12) Levels.

13) Noise protection.

14) Noise mitigation.

15) Hours of operation details.

16) Contaminated land investigation and remediation.

17) Verification of remediation.

18) Culverted watercourse.

19) Sustainable drainage scheme.

20) Foul drainage.

21) Water supply

22 - 25) Retail use restrictions.

26) Ventilation of A3 use.

27) Boundary treatment provision prior to occupation.

28) Connection links prior to occupation of final unit.

29) Restriction on outside storage.

30) Community employment plan



P16/S0942/FUL - Land at Bayswater Farm Road and land at and rear of 39 & 41 Waynflete Road Oxford pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Demolition of existing pair of semi-detached houses (39 and 41 Waynflete Road). Erection of 52 houses and flats (including 40% of net increase as affordable homes) in single storey buildings, two storey buildings, and two storey buildings with rooms in roofs (47 dwellings proposed off Waynflete Road and 5 detached dwellings off Bayswater Farm Road). Construction of roads and footpaths including new accesses off Waynflete Road and Bayswater Farm Road. Provision of open space, parking, garages and landscaping.

NB. Demolition of existing houses, estate road and only part of new build in Oxford City District.

Additional documents:


The committee considered application P16/S0942/FUL for the demolition of the existing pair of semi-detached houses (39 and 41 Waynflete Road). Erection of 52 houses and flats (including 40% of net increase as affordable homes) in single storey buildings, two storey buildings, and two storey buildings with rooms in roofs (47 dwellings proposed off Waynflete Road and 5 detached dwellings off Bayswater Farm Road). Construction of roads and footpaths including new accesses off Waynflete Road and Bayswater Farm Road. Provision of open space, parking, garages and landscaping.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer update: a further two responses had been received objecting to the application.


Malcolm Leeding and Arthur Boylston, representatives of Forest Hill with Shotover parish council, spoke objecting to the application. Their concerns included the following:

·         The number of units proposed was excessive;

·         Existing properties would be overlooked;

·         Increased traffic; and

·         Adverse impact on sewerage and drainage.


Andrew Carver a, local resident, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Neighbours’ privacy would be affected;

·         The trees and shrubs screening Mill House were deciduous or semi-deciduous so would not provide adequate screening in winter months; and

·         The access to the development was inadequate.


Glynis Phillips, Oxfordshire County Councillor, spoke objecting to the application. Her concerns included the following:

·         Insufficient infrastructure; and

·         Local roads were already at capacity.


She requested that the application be deferred:

·         To allow further negotiation with Oxford City Council regarding mitigation for the loss of the two market houses; and

·         As many of the proposed conditions had not yet been agreed.


Nik Lyzba, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application:

·         The adopted Core Strategy specified that the application site was to be allocated for housing;

·         There had been no technical objections; and

·         The proposed layout had been amended following officer advice.


John Walsh, the local ward member spoke and requested that, were the application to be approved, concerns about drainage, overlooking and insufficient cycle parking should be dealt with by way of conditions. 


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application subject to an additional condition regarding the planting of live trees and shrubs and the provision of boundary treatment in order to provide additional screening, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to delegate authority to grant planning permission for application P16/S0942/FUL to the head of planning subject to:


i: The prior completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure the affordable housing, other obligations and financial contributions listed in Para 6.49 of this report and

ii: The following conditions:


1.     Commencement three years – full planning permission.

2.     Approved plans.

3.     Sample materials to be agreed.

4.     Full details of means of access to be approved.

5.     Approved visibility splays to be provided.

6.     Scheme of electric vehicle charging points to be approved.

7.     Provision of car parking prior to first occupation.

8.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68.


P15/S4227/FUL - Rear of 22 and 24 Blacklands Road, Benson pdf icon PDF 146 KB

Demolition of 22 and 24 Blacklands Road and the erection of 17 dwellings, including 6 affordable homes.

Additional documents:


It was agreed to defer consideration of this application pendingt a site visit.


P16/S1465/FUL - Fullamoor Farm, Clifton Hampden pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To site a temporary mobile home for a three year period to ensure that the expansion of the pig enterprise can be properly managed to maintain high standards of animal welfare.

Additional documents:


The committee considered application P16/S1465/FUL for the siting of a temporary mobile home for a three year period at Fullamoor Farm, Clifton Hampden, to ensure that the expansion of the pig enterprise can be properly managed to maintain high standards of animal welfare.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer update: Two further representations had been received, objecting to the application.


Chris Neill, a representative of Clifton Hampden parish council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The proposal was an unacceptable intensification of the site; and

·         Increased traffic and large vehicles.


He requested that the application be deferred pending receipt of an Environmental Impact Assessment commissioned by the applicant.


Sue Lawson, the local ward member, spoke objecting to the application. Her concerns included the following:

·         The considerable increase in the number of livestock on the site;

·         The detrimental effect on air quality;

·         Noise disturbance; and

·         Increased traffic on rural roads already at capacity.


The committee were not satisfied that the environmental impact of the proposal on neighbouring occupiers could be assessed without a site visit.


A motion, moved and seconded, to defer consideration of the application pending a site visit was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to defer consideration of application P16/S1465/FUL, pending a site visit to assess the environmental impact of the proposal on neighbouring occupiers.


P16/S2143/FUL - 18 Courtiers Green, Clifton Hampden pdf icon PDF 144 KB

The erection of a two-bedroom, self-contained dwelling house adjoining number 18.

Additional documents:


The committee considered application P16/S2143/FUL for the erection of a two-bedroom, self-contained dwelling house adjoining 18 Courtiers Green, Clifton Hampden.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Chris Neill, a representative of both Clifton Hampden parish council and the Burcot and Hampden Neighbourhood Plan steering group, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The applicant had demonstrated a blatant disregard for the planning process;

·         The proposal was not compatible with neighbouring properties.


Sue Lawson, the local ward member, spoke objecting to the application. Her concerns included the following:

·         The application would set a harmful precedent for similar developments in the street;

·         The development had not been in accordance with approved plans.


The committee were not satisfied that the impact of the proposal on the character of the area could be assessed without a site visit.


A motion, moved and seconded, to defer consideration of the application pending a site visit was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to defer consideration of application P16/S2143/FUL, pending a site visit to assess the impact of the proposal on the character of the area.