Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 10 December 2014 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, South Oxfordshire District Council Offices

Contact: Nicola Meurer  tel 01235 547683 email

No. Item


Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, and other declarations, in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 




Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the committee meeting held on 19 November 2014 (attached).


RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 2014 as a correct record and agree that the Chairman sign these as such.


Urgent items




Applications deferred or withdrawn


Application P14/S3070/FUL at Asda Stores Ltd, London Road, Wheatley was deferred pending the submission of a traffic management plan and a delivery strategy.


Proposals for site visit reports


Applications P14/S3055/HH and PA4/S3056/LB were deferred for site visits to assess neighbour impact due to the small size of the courtyard area and the unusual relationship with neighbouring properties.


P14/S3272/FUL - The Police Rehabilitation Centre, Flint House, Reading Road, near Goring pdf icon PDF 43 KB

Erection of single storey timber outbuildings to use as training rooms.

Additional documents:



The committee considered application P14/S3272/FUL to erect single storey timber outbuildings at the Police Rehabilitation Centre, Flint House, Reading Road, near Goring.


Tom McAustin, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


A motion moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P14/S3272/FUL at the Police Rehabilitation Centre, Flint House, Reading Road, near Goring, subject to the following conditions:


1.  Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission

2.  Approved plans

3.  Schedule of materials required (all)


P14/S2743/FUL - 26 Lambridge Wood Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 3BS pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Demolition of one house and erection of two detached houses with new vehicular and pedestrian access.

Additional documents:



The committee considered application P14/S2743/FUL to demolish the existing dwelling and erect two detached houses, together with revised access arrangements and landscaping at 26 Lambridge Wood Road, Henley-on-Thames.


The planning officer reported that, since the publication of the agenda, the following representations had been received:


·        Further comments from Henley Town Council, maintaining its objection;

·        Two further neighbour objections.


In addition, comments from Joan Bland, a local ward councillor, and Henley Town Council, objecting to the application, were tabled.


Councillor David Silvester, a representative of Henley-on-Thames Town Council, spoke objecting to the application.


Lance Robinson and Michael Pinder, local residents, spoke objecting to the application.


Neil Boddington, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


Contrary to the officer’s recommendation to approve the application, the committee did not agree that the proposal would not cause material harm to the overall character and appearance of the surrounding area.


A motion moved and seconded, to refuse the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to refuse planning permission for application P14/S2743/FUL at 26 Lambridge Wood Road, Henley-on-Thames, for the following reasons:


That, having regard to their scale, siting and plot coverage, the new dwellings would be out of keeping with the existing grain of housing along Lambridge Wood Road.  Furthermore, the proposal would represent a visually intrusive form of development that would be at odds with the spacious character and appearance of the street scene and surrounding area, contrary to Policies CSHEN1, CSH2 and CSQ3 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy; and Policies D1, D3, G2 and H4 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.


P14/S2917/FUL and P14/S2920/LB - Town Farmhouse, 6/8 Oxford Road, Thame, OX9 2AH pdf icon PDF 46 KB

P14/S2917/FUL: The erection of a conservatory and a wraparound rear porch.  Removal of uneven level in driveway and replacement with block paving.  Conversion of storeroom into living accommodation and incorporation to existing dwelling to create a self-contained annex.  Change of use of two bedrooms for use as B&B.


P14/S2920/LB: Restoration and repair of the farmhouse.  The erection of a conservatory, a wraparound rear porch, the removal of uneven level in driveway and block pave, to incorporate storeroom into living accommodation and restore, to create two bedrooms with en-suite for use as B&B.

Additional documents:



The committee considered applications P14/S2917/FUL and P14/S920/LB to erect a wraparound rear porch and the erection of a conservatory at Town Farmhouse, 6/8 Oxford Road, Thame.


Astrid Kelly, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


A motion moved and seconded, to approve the applications was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P14/S2917/FUL and listed building consent for application P14/S920/LB at Town Farmhouse, 6/8 Oxford Road, Thame, subject to the following conditions:



1.  Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission

2.  Development in accordance with the approved plans

3.  Materials as on plan

4.  Parking and Manoeuvring Areas Retained

5.  Ancillary occupation and use only

Informative: Food premises registration



1.  Commencement 3 years - Listed Building Consent

2.  Works in accordance with the approved plans

3.  External ducts and flues to be agreed

4.  Materials (sample materials walls of extension and conservatory) to be agreed

5.  Roof materials to match existing

6.  Joinery Details (doors and windows of the extension and conservatory) to be agreed

7.  The following details to be agreed:

a) a cross-section showing the relationship between new stud walling  and timber framing for the bathroom connected to centre left bedroom

b) insulation specification

c) lime specification for the works to the store


P14/S2171/FUL - Deacons House, Church Lane, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, OX10 0SD pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Demolition of existing house, garage and ancillary structures and erection of two detached houses with garages. Closure of existing vehicular access and creation of a new shared vehicular access.

Additional documents:



Celia Collett, a local ward councillor, stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting on this item.


The committee considered application P14/S2171/FUL to demolish the existing dwelling and erect two detached four bedroom dwellings at Deacons House, Church Lane, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell.


Councillor John Rodda, a representative of Brightwell-cum-Sotwell Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.


Adrian Gould, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


Celia Collett, a local ward councillor spoke objecting to the application.


A motion moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P14/S2171/FUL at Deacons House, Church Lane, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, subject to the following conditions:


1.  Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission

2.  Approved plans

3.  Sample materials required (all)

4.  Code Level 4

5.  Close existing access (a)

6.  Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained

7.  Tree Protection (Detailed)

8.  Landscaping scheme (trees and shrubs only)

9.  Wildlife Protection

10. Surface water drainage works (details required)

11. Rooflights (height)

12. Levels to be submitted


P14/S3055/HH and P14/S3056/LB - Church Cottages, Church Lane, North Stoke, OX10 6BH pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Remove existing rear extension and replace with new timber framed extension with increased footprint.

Additional documents:



Kristina Crabbe, a local ward councillor, stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting on this item.


The committee considered applications P14/S3055/HH and P14/S3056/LB to remove the existing rear extension and erect a new timber framed extension. at Church Cottages, Church Lane, North Stoke.

The planning officer reported that the description should include reference to the amended plans as follows “as amended by drawing no 767-2B received on 22 Oct 2014”. This plan included the revisions to materials and the additional information referred to in the report.


Alan Divali, on behalf of local residents, spoke objecting to the application.


GautamNagpal, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


A motion, moved and seconded, to defer consideration of the applications and undertake a site visit to assess neighbour impact due to the small size of the courtyard area and the unusual relationship with neighbouring properties, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to undertake a site visit for applications P14/S3055/HH and P14/S3056/LB at Church Cottages, Church Lane, North Stoke, to assess neighbour impact due to the small size of the courtyard area and the unusual relationship with neighbouring properties. (see Minute 124/12/14).


P14/S3070/FUL - Asda Stores Ltd, London Road, Wheatley, OX33 1YZ. pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Proposed 'Home Shopping' van loading canopy; extension to provide a 'Home Shopping' pod; and relocation of existing smoking shelter, trolley shelter and compactor.

Additional documents:



Roger Bell, a local ward councillor, stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting on this item.


The committee considered application P14/S3070/FUL for a “home shopping” van loading canopy, an extension to provide a “home shopping” pod and the relocation of the existing smoking shelter, trolley shelter and compactor at Asda Stores Ltd, London Road, Wheatley.


Councillor Geoff Stephens, a representative of Wheatley Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.


Michael McKenna, owner of a neighbouring businesss, spoke objecting to the application.


Bob Parkes, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


Roger Bell, a local ward councillor, spoke in support of the application.


A motion, moved and seconded, to defer consideration of the application pending the submission of a traffic management plan and a delivery strategy was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to defer consideration of application P14/S3070/FUL at Asda Stores Ltd, London Road, Wheatley, pending the submission of a traffic management plan and a delivery strategy. (see Minute 12312/14)