Venue: informal, online meeting
Contact: Candida Mckelvey, Democratic Services Officer 07895 213820 Email:
Note: the meeting will be live streamed. To watch, please copy the following link into your browser:
No. | Item |
Urgent business and chair's announcements To receive notification of any matters which the chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the chair. Minutes: None. |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting.
Minutes: None. |
To note the committee notes of the meeting held on 21 March 2022. Minutes: An amendment was requested on page five, bullet point two. Democratic Services Officer shall look at the last sentence and amend it accordingly so that it reads clearer. The sentence was “Can members identify areas of the report they wish to investigate further?” Clarity was asked for on ownership of the comment. The amendment will be sent onto Councillor Bartholomew and the Chair for agreement. |
Public participation To receive any questions or statements from members of the public that have registered to speak. Minutes: None. |
Work schedule and dates for all South and Joint Scrutiny meetings To review the attached scrutiny work schedule. Please note, although the dates are confirmed, the items under consideration are subject to being withdrawn, added to or rearranged without further notice.
Public Consultations To receive a report on public consultations (paper to follow) Minutes: This item was opened by Cabinet Member for Corporate Services. This report was a post-Covid review of what the council does to consult the public. This included bringing back face-to-face consultation as well as making the most of technical and online tools to reach more people. There was a desire to invest in better tools for consultation. Communications team had recently recruited a new member of staff to support this work.
Members commented on the report and the main points were:
Resolved: Committee noted the report. Chair thanked the officers and Cabinet Member for their work.
Active Communities Strategy To review the Active Communities Strategy, and provide any comments to the Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing. Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet member for Community Wellbeing opened this item. This strategy had been created with the increasing wellbeing agenda, prevention of poor physical and mental health, and health inequalities in mind. This was a coherent framework with a baseline study to map what we have in terms of community resources for wellbeing, such as open spaces, leisure centres, and resources never considered before. The policy landscape was changing locally and nationally, and this strategy had been developed with these aspects in mind. There were six themes in the strategy, which pulled in other council strategies, as shown in the document. We will look to identify gaps and aim to close them. The strategy will evolve over time, and we will take care to consider how accessible facilities are by walking and cycling.
Committee comments and suggestions:
Councillors Khan and Bartholomew had to leave part way through this item at 19.15. Cabinet member reminded that the mapping work was already in progress by officers. The Cabinet member and officers were thanked for their work, which was well received by the committee.
Resolved: Committee noted the report and Active Communities Strategy
Quarter 4 Corporate Plan Performance Report To review the performance for quarter 4, and provide any comments to the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The committee reviewed the quarter 4 report and the annual report 2021/22 together. The item was introduced by the Cabinet member for Corporate Services. The council now had a full year set of activity. The quarter 4 report shows progress of projects in the quarter, and the annual report was an assessment of progress, rather than the narrative and detail in the quarterly reports.
The committee focussed on the annual report. There was a RAG rating system added. A definition would be added. Cabinet member explained that green meant on target by the deadline or the end of the corporate plan period. Amber meant on track, but potential delay foreseen, with action being taken to remedy. Red meant significantly behind schedule of the stated deadline or by the plan end date. The inclusion of the definitions was considered helpful.
Resolved: This item was noted by committee. Cabinet member and officers were thanked for their work on the quarter 4 report and the annual report 2021/22.
Exclusion of the public To consider whether to exclude members of the press and public from the meeting for the following item of business under Part 1 of Schedule 12A Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 and as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 on the grounds that: (i) it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1-7 Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and (ii) the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Minutes: Resolved: Committee agreed to move into confidential session. |
Covid-19 Leisure Support Package update To receive an update report. Minutes: Resolved: The committee noted a report on the Covid-19 Support Package, for which negotiations had been completed. The officers involved and the Cabinet member were thanked for all the hard work that went into negotiations and committee felt that the outcomes were positive. Chair motioned to give thanks to their hard work and determination to reach agreement.
Chair hoped to see the annual monitoring report brought before committee in due course. |