Agenda item

P17/S4441/O - Land north of Rycote Lane near Thame

The erection of up to 180,000 square feet (up to 16,722 square metres) of B2/B8 with ancillary B1(a) and B1(c) together with parking, drainage, landscaping (structural and incidental) and highway works


The committee considered application P17/S4441/O for the erection of up to 180,000 square feet (up to 16,722 square metres) of B2/B8 with ancillary B1(a) and B1(c) together with parking, drainage, landscaping (structural and incidental) and highway works at land north of Rycote Lane near Thame, OX9 2BY. A members’ site visit had been undertaken on 10 June 2019.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that Appendix 3 had been appended in error. However, a revised version of it, approved by the Oxfordshire County Council as highways authority, formed part of the presentation to the committee.


With reference to paragraph 5.4, the biodiversity offsetting payment needed to be amended to read £32,108, as this now reflected the cost of administering the offset.


A point of clarification was made in respect of paragraph 6.72 (Community Infrastructure Levy); offices were not liable for CIL.


The planning officer also updated members on the additional letters of representation received since completion of the committee report.


The planning officer recommended three additional conditions to control the future use of the site including:


-           Restriction of permitted development from Use B Classes to residential, as the site is inappropriate for residential use and also to ensure that B2/B8 units could not be converted to offices.

-           Masterplan to require an appropriate mix of Use B Classes the majority for B2 to meet local economic needs and to determine links, screening and landscaped areas. 

-           A footpath from the highway to within the site and to link to the Thame Cattle Market site – to provide a safe and desirable link for users.


As the application was solely seeking outline planning permission (with access only) the site layout was only illustrative at this stage. Suggested conditions would be imposed to secure enhanced landscaping (including layout of footpath) and screening, the detailed design of buildings, proposed lighting and drainage etc.


The Economic Development Manager provided information on economic activity in South Oxfordshire and the surrounding areas, confirming that new affordable quality business space, as proposed, was in strong demand.


The representative of the Oxfordshire County Council highways department confirmed that the highway authority had no highway objections. A road safety audit had been undertaken and all issues had been resolved or were resolvable. Parking was a reserved matter to be judged against local plan standards in conjunction with the District Council. A range of travel options to the site were being considered.


The planning officer reported that further additional planning conditions could be added to mitigate environmental impacts, to provide for sustainable design including, for instance, solar panels, electric charging and rainwater capture.


Councillor Amanda Sheppard, a representative of Great Haseley Parish

Council, spoke objecting to the application.


Mike Dyer of Thames Business Forum, spoke in support of the application.


Jake Collinge, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


Caroline Newton, the local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission, as recommended, plus the additional conditions, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to authorise the Head of Planning to grant planning permission for application P17/S4441/O subject to:


The completion of the relevant legal agreements to secure:

           Highways works (s278)

           Public Art

           Travel Plan Monitoring (£2,040)


and subject to the following conditions:

1.         Commencement outline planning permission with reserved matters

2.         Approved plans

3.         Levels

4.         Sample materials required

5.         Withdrawal of permitted development for B1/B2/B8 use

6.         New vehicular access

7.         Refuse and recycling storage

8.         Off-site highway works

9.         Turning area

10.       Cycle parking facilities

11.       Cyclist shower/changing facilities

12.       CTMP (Construction Travel Management Plan)

13.       Travel Plan

14.       Landscape Management Plan

15.       Landscaping details

16.       Landscaping details

17.       New hedge details

18.       Biodiversity/Wildlife protection

19.       Hours of operation during construction and demolition

20.       Dust mitigation measures

21.       Noise control/mitigation

22.       External lighting

23.       Surface water drainage works

24.       Foul water drainage works

25.       Sustainable drainage

26.       Wildlife Protection

27.       Wildlife Protection

28.       Wildlife Protection

29.       Wildlife Protection

30.       Surface water drainage

31.       Electric Charging Points

32.       Provision of solar panels and energy efficient measures

33.      Landscaping masterplan

34.      Details of proposed footpath from Rycote Lane

35.       Condition detailing the proposed percentage of Business uses across the site


Supporting documents: