Agenda item

P19/S0818/O - Land at Britwell Road, Watlington

Hybrid application comprising, (1) Full planning permission for the demolition of the existing pig farm and its associated buildings; the erection of 183 dwellings (Use Class C3); the creation of a new vehicular access from Britwell Road; the creation of a vehicular access from the industrial estate road south of Cuxham Road; public open space; sustainable urban drainage system; landscaping; and other ancillary works, including off-site highway works; and

(2) Outline permission for up to 650sqm of Use Class B1(a) floorspace with access and all other matters reserved.


The committee considered application P19/S0818/O for a hybrid application comprising;

(1) Full planning permission for the demolition of the existing pig farm and its associated buildings; the erection of 183 dwellings (Use Class C3); the creation of a new vehicular access from Britwell Road; the creation of a vehicular access from the industrial estate road south of Cuxham Road; public open space; sustainable urban drainage system; landscaping; and other ancillary works, including off-site highway works; and

(2) Outline permission for up to 650sqm of Use Class B1(a) floorspace with access and all other matters reserved on land at Britwell Road, Watlington.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Prior to the meeting, the committee had received by email an Addendum to the Oxfordshire County Council’s (OCC) transport comments. The additional comments clarified that the potential route through to the industrial area should only be open to traffic on completion of the entire edge road. This was also reliant on the Willow Close route being used for the edge road, which was a matter currently being considered by the County Council. 


The planning officer was satisfied that this restriction could be secured through the provisions of a Section 106 legal agreement. This would stipulate that the route through the industrial area was only to be opened to traffic when the Edge Road was complete, if the Willow Close route was used for the Edge Road. The planning officer advised the committee that were the council able to determine the application, there would have been a recommendation that this restriction be included in the legal agreement. 


The planning officer also reported that OCC had now secured funding to forward fund delivery of parts of the Edge Road beyond the identified development sites along it. Planning applications had also been submitted from other development parcels necessary to deliver the Edge Road. OCC was preparing a planning application for the road and their current ambition was to deliver the road by late 2023/early 2024.


The planning officer clarified that there was an error in paragraph 6.30 of the report, where a sentence had been copied from the Executive Summary of the Ricardo Energy and Environment Report. The author of the Ricardo Report had confirmed that that an error had been made and that the words ‘or exceeding’ should be removed from the sentence that started ‘This study shows that without the edge road…’ The company who produced the report would be amending and re-issuing the report with this correction. 


The planning officer concluded that in terms of both highway safety and air quality, there was no evidence available to demonstrate that this development would only be acceptable if it was delivered after the Edge Road is in place.  This was because the applicant had demonstrated that the impacts of this development could be mitigated until such a time that the Edge Road was delivered. 


Gill Bindoff and Andrew McAuley, representatives of Watlington Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.


Liz Harris, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application.


Michael Gardner, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application.


Anna Badcock, the local ward member, was unable to attend the committee, and a statement that she had provided was read out to the meeting. It had also been circulated to the committee by email prior to the meeting.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission for application P19/S0818/O with the addition of a condition to restrict vehicular access to Cuxham Road until the Watlington Edge Road was fully complete and in use, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED; having regard to the current appeal against non-determination, had the council determined application P19/S0818/O, it would have granted planning permission subject to:


i) The prior completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure the affordable housing, financial contributions and other obligations stated above, and


ii) The following conditions:


Time limit and approved plans (full permission)

1.         Commencement three years - Full Planning Permission.

2.         Approved Plans.


Reserved matters and time limit (outline permission).

3.         Reserved Matters (Details).

4.         Commencement Outline Permission.



5.         Construction Method Statement.

6.         Construction Environment Management Plan.

7.         Biodiversity Enhancement and Management Plan (full).

8.         Biodiversity Enhancement and Management Plan (outline).

9.         Tree protection.

10.       Levels.

11.       Water supply impact study.

12.       Off-site drainage.

13.       On-site foul drainage.

14.       Surface water.

15.       Piling.

16.       Phasing.

17.       Contamination – phased risk assessment.

18.       Archaeological written scheme of investigation.

19.       Staged programme of archaeological mitigation.

20.       Off-site highway works.


Prior to Occupation

21.       Contamination – verification.

22.       Lighting.

23.       Landscaping scheme.

24.       Landscape Management Plan.

25.       Air quality mitigation.

26.       Noise mitigation.

27.       Noise mitigation.

28.       Accesses before occupation.

29.       Residential Travel Plan.



30.       Construction hours.

31.       Flood Risk.

32.       Unsuspected contamination.

33.       No garage conversion.

34.       Access details.

35.      No vehicular access to Cuxham Road until the Watlington Edge Road         is complete.





Supporting documents: