Agenda item

Growth Board Review

To review and comment on the report to the Growth Board setting out the findings of the review approved on 24 September 2019.


The Panel considered a report to the Growth Board presented by Bev Hindle, Growth Board Director and Stefan Robinson, Growth Board Manager which set out the results of the review undertaken as part of the Growth Board’s role and functions, together with initial findings and recommendations for the Board’s consideration.


The following points were highlighted to the Panel:


·           There had been around 250 responses to the public consultation – in addition to engagement workshops with the public and councillors. The appendix to the report provided a flavour of the responses received (these had been linked back to the report and its proposals).

·           The review had related to the Growth Board, not the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal.

·           As part of the review, detailed and in-depth discussions had taken place which indicated that whilst there were concerns around areas that the Growth Board could change or things it could do better, a clear output was that it was important not to lose sight of the opportunities for Oxfordshire’s councils and their partners working together collaboratively.

·           A two-phased approach was recommended, with the initial changes (including revised Terms of Reference for the Board) being brought back to the Growth Board by June 2020. Longer-term changes relating to wider engagement would be reported back to the Growth Board in the Autumn.


The Chair thanked Bev Hindle and Stefan Robinson for a carefully considered and well written report. In its discussion about the issues raised the Panel commented:


·           That the Scrutiny Panel has been established for a relatively short period of time and was generally felt to be working well.

·           A range of views were expressed, but on balance it was felt that the current membership of three members per authority was appropriate given lower attendance levels and the importance of maintaining broad geographical and politically balanced representation across the county.

·           It should not be mandatory that a council’s nominated members include a Chair of one their Overview and Scrutiny committees. The Panel was not averse to council’s making their own decision to appoint their respective Scrutiny Chairs to the panel and acknowledged the benefits this could bring in terms of connectivity between the Growth Board Scrutiny Panel and individual council scrutiny committees.

·           A renewed focus of scrutiny of the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal as well as the opportunity to undertake more in-depth overview and scrutiny reviews was welcomed.

·           Several members of the Panel commented that the report should go further with regards to zero carbon development. The Panel welcomed the restatement of the Growth Board purpose set out in paragraph 28 of the report.

·           The Panel welcomed the areas for further development set out from paragraph 42 of the report onwards, particularly ideas aimed at greater involvement by partners and the public in joint planning for Oxfordshire and the idea of a public Oxfordshire-wide forum. However, it was important for any proposals or recommendations arising from joint planning events to clear and transparent to the public.

·           That consideration should be given to holding meetings outside of Oxford and across the county where possible.


After further discussion it was:




1.      That the Scrutiny Panel supports the Growth Board Review’s statement of common purpose (pg. 140 para 28 of Growth Board papers Supplementary Agenda). However, the Panel asks that the Growth Board revise part b of para 28 to read the following: “Support the development of local planning policy that meets the UK Government’s stated aim of net zero carbon by 2050, and contributes towards biodiversity gain whilst embracing the changes needed for a low carbon world.” The Panel also ask that the Greencore Site Developments at Springfield Meadows - Southmoor and The Acre - Cumnor Hill are used as case studies to progress this ambition.


2.      That the Scrutiny Panel recommends that the Growth Board:


a.     does not reduce the overall membership of the Scrutiny Panel


b.     does not make provision for a mandatory seat for Local Scrutiny Chairs on the Scrutiny Panel. The Panel is not averse to the idea, but this decision should lie with local authorities to decide their representation.


c.     make the provision for the Scrutiny Panel to focus in greater detail on the Housing and Growth Deal.


d.     support as a longer-term development opportunity the establishment of Scrutiny Panel Task & finish groups to undertake more detailed review of specific issues by communicating this to the Growth Deal teams for producing key reports.

Supporting documents: