To consider the head of corporate services’ report.
The panel considered the head of corporate services’ report for each project, which detailed the applications, the scoring recommendations, and the subsequent final recommendations based upon the South Oxfordshire District Council Capital Grants Policy.
The panel agreed to consider the applications in the following order, firstly those with speakers registered to represent their application followed by all other applications which had no speakers present to support their application.
Cholsey Parish Council
There were two speakers present for the item. Mark Gray and Sarah Wilson spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the panel.
Councillors asked a question regarding how the proposed project would benefit carbon reduction strategies. The speakers explained that the building had existing high standards for carbon reduction and the new facilities would benefit from the existing measures.
A second question was asked on whether the project would benefit residents external to the parish. The speakers confirmed that residents from neighbouring parishes were already using the facilities and would continue to be welcomed at the site.
RESOLVED: To approve the officers’ recommended scoring of 10 out of 12 points.
Tetsworth Memorial Hall
There was one speaker present for the item. Caroline Cann spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the panel.
Councillors asked what the current estimated savings in cost would be following the completion of the project. The speaker confirmed that there would be an estimated 50-65% savings through the replacement of old facilities.
A subsequent question was raised on whether any funding had been received from the parish council. The speaker confirmed that this remained in process and that the parish was currently waiting for any other applicants for funding.
Councillors consulted with the Energy Strategy and Projects Officer on whether the carbon reduction scoring could be increased as a result of the new information presented. The officer confirmed that taking into account the new information received from the speaker, the carbon reduction scoring could be increased by one point to the maximum scoring of three.
A motion, proposed and seconded, was passed, to increase the carbon reduction scoring to three points.
RESOLVED: To increase the carbon reduction score to 3 points, the maximum scoring possible for the criteria, giving the application a total of 10 points out of 12. The project therefore became a high priority item.
St Mary’s Church
There was one speaker present for the item. John Cross spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the panel.
The panel asked whether the applicant had applied to the Church of England for additional sources of finance. The speaker confirmed that an application for funding had been submitted to the Church of England.
A question was raised to officers on whether religious groups who provided services to the wider community were limited in scoring under the community benefit criteria. The officers confirmed that a site owned by a religious organisation was able to restrict access to people under the Equalities Act and therefore were limited to a maximum of two points out of a possible three under this criteria.
RESOLVED: To approve the officers’ recommended scoring of 8 out of 12 points.
Didcot Baptist Church
There was one speaker present for the item. David Kerrigan spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the panel.
The council asked questions on funds that had been received for the project, and any additional funding that had recently been secured. The speaker confirmed that new funds had been either attained or agreed upon on paper with a new source of funding recently secured.
A question was raised to officers on whether new information on the environmental benefits of the project could warrant an increase in scoring for energy savings. The officers confirmed that an external energy audit would have been required for any such review of points.
RESOLVED: To approve the officers’ recommended scoring of 8 out of 12 points.
Oxford City Athletics Club
There was one speaker present for the item. Laura Bristow spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the panel.
A question was raised to officers on whether the application could be altered to a reflect a change in the scope of the project. It was confirmed that the panel had to consider the application that had been submitted, and that any alterations in the scope of the project would require a new application to be submitted for funding.
RESOLVED: To approve the officers’ recommended scoring of 8 out of 12 points.
Fish Volunteer Centre
There was one speaker present for the item. Richard McQuillan spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the panel.
The panel asked whether there was any difference in the size of the new building to be purchased in comparison to the current tenancy. The speaker confirmed that the buildings were the same size and that the proposed purchase would be for a new build which also provided increased environmental benefits.
A further question was raised on whether the new building would alter the services provided by the organisation. The speaker confirmed that there would be no change in services offered.
As a result of new information regarding sources of financing for the project, the panel asked officers whether the scoring for finance could be increased to the maximum of three points. The officers advised that this would be possible if the panel felt the applicant had satisfied the requirements necessary for a maximum score award.
A motion, proposed and seconded, was passed, to increase the finance scoring to three points.
RESOLVED: To increase the finance score to 3 points, the maximum scoring possible for the criteria, giving the application a total of 9 points out of 12.
Warborough Sports Pavilion
There was one speaker present for the item. Jonnie Bradshaw spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the panel.
The panel asked a question regarding the timber frame of the building and the condition it was currently in. The speaker explained that the poor condition of the frame was a result of a lack of maintenance over the years.
The organisation also provided additional information to support an increase in their community benefit score to 3 points, based on the wider community value the new pavilion would offer.
A motion, proposed and seconded, was passed, to increase the community benefit score to 3 points, the maximum possible score available.
RESOLVED: To increase the community benefit score to 3 points, the maximum scoring possible for the criteria, giving the application a total of 8 points out of 12.
There was one speaker present for the item. Robert Walmsley spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the panel.
A question was asked on whether there would be a ramp at the main entrance for the proposed build. The speaker confirmed that there would be a permanent ramp installed as part of the project.
A motion, proposed and seconded, was passed, to increase the environmental score as a result of new information being provided.
RESOLVED: To increase the environmental score to 1 point out of a possible 3 giving the application a total of 7 points out of 12.
Henley Rugby Football Club
There was one speaker present for the item. Aubrey Doran spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the panel.
A question was raised to officers on whether scoring for environmental benefit took into account that residents would not be required to commute as far to access facilities. The officers confirmed this was not a part of the policy matrix and so the score could not be altered on this matter.
A further question was raised to the speaker on whether the applicant had secured over 50% of the funding. The speaker explained that while they had secured more funding, this was still below the 50% margin.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 6 out of 12 points.
Following the completion of all applications with a speaker present, the panel agreed to adjourn the meeting for a five-minute rest break.
Berinsfield Parish Council
Councillors agreed that the project was a high priority item and were unanimous in support of the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 10 out of 12 points.
Culham Parish Council
The panel asked officers whether any new information on the funding of the project had been provided by the applicant. Officers confirmed that no new information had been provided.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 8 out of 12 points.
Brightwell cum Sotwell Parish Council
The panel agreed on the scoring recommendation provided.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 8 out of 12 points.
Wheatley Parish Council
The panel asked whether there had been any update on Section 106 funding. It was confirmed that there had been no further update.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 8 out of 12 points.
Sonning Common Parish Council
The panel queried whether conditions could be added to grants. They were informed that the panel could encourage actions to be taken.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 6 out of 12 points.
Following the competition of this application, the panel agreed to continue beyond the meeting guillotine for a further thirty minutes.
Wallingford Methodist Church
The panel agreed with the recommended scoring but noted that had more information been provided by the applicant, a higher score might have resulted.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 6 out of 12 points.
Goring Heath Parish Council
The panel agreed with the recommended scoring.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 6 out of 12 points.
Whitchurch-on-Thames Parish Council
The panel agreed with the recommended scoring.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 6 out of 12 points.
Sacred Heart Preschool
The panel agreed with the recommended scoring.
RESOLVED: To approve the officer’s recommended scoring of 6 out of 12 points.
Following the completion of the first session, the panel resolved to have a break before the beginning of the second half of the session.
The panel agreed in line with the policy, that those applications which were a high priority as a result of scoring should receive 100% of the funding requested.
The panel considered three possible avenues to allocate funding to the medium priority projects which were provided by officers.
a.) To provide all medium priority applications with 32.5% of their requested amounts.
b.) Continue with the original recommendations to not award funding to three of the applications due to the significant amount of funding they still had to secure and provide the remaining medium priority applicants with 49% of the requested funds.
c.) Award funding proportionate to the scoring given by the panel.
Following discussion between councillors, the panel agreed to undertake a proportionate funding allocation based upon the total score the applicant had received. In addition, councillors reviewed all medium projects again to look at any they had concerns about, in line with the policy. This resulted in a further five projects not being recommended for funding. Panel then reallocated the £213,414 proportionately to the remaining medium priority projects.
The funding was as follows:
RESOLVED: To award the following high priority items with 100% of the funds requested:
Organisation |
Scheme |
Grant awarded |
Cholsey Parish Council |
Purpose built Happy Hub accommodation |
100% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £50,000 |
Berinsfield Parish Council |
Provision of outdoor gymnastics equipment |
100% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £10,000 |
Tetsworth Memorial Hall |
Alterations ad refurbishment including kitchen, heating, car park, insulation, storage, and audio |
100% of the funds requested capped to a total of £46,586 |
RESOLVED: To award the following medium priority item which scored 9/12 points with 75% of the funds requested:
Organisation |
Scheme |
Grant awarded |
Fish Volunteer Centre |
Purchase of premises (ex -police station) |
75% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £52,500 |
RESOLVED: To award the following medium priority items which scored 8/12 points with 72% of the funds requested:
Organisation |
Scheme |
Grant awarded |
Brightwell cum Sotwell Parish Council |
Resurfacing of tennis courts and instillation of new tennis practise wall |
72% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £7242 |
Didcot Baptist Church |
Didcot Baptist Church Community Hub |
72% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £54,000 |
Wheatley Parish Council |
Improvements to Farm Close Road Recreation Ground |
72% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £7200 |
RESOLVED: To award the following medium priority items which scored 7/12 points with 67% of the funds requested:
Organisation |
Scheme |
Grant awarded |
Bix PCC |
St James’ Community Hub and extension for toilet and kitchen |
67% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £50,250 |
RESOLVED: To award the following medium priority items which scored 6/12 points with 62% of the funds requested:
Organisation |
Scheme |
Grant awarded |
Wallingford Methodist Church |
Replacement f boilers and upgrade of heating system |
62% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £1240 |
Sacred Heart Preschool |
Restore charity preschool to facilitate cultural integration activities in the community |
62% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £3099 |
Henley Rugby Football Club |
Dry Leas Sports Ground – Community Training Facility Upgrade |
62% of the funds requested, capped to a total of £37,200 |
The following applications were unsuccessful in receiving any funding as the Panel had concerns over the financial viability of the projects and applicants were encouraged to apply again in the next round of funding when more money had been secured.
Organisation |
Scheme |
Culham Parish Council |
Culham Playground |
St Mary’s Church |
Laurence Hall Cholsey replacement building |
Oxford City Athletics Club |
Upgrade of Horspath Athletics Track to become a Multi Sports Facility |
Warborough Parish Council |
Warborough Sports Pavilion Refurbishment Project |
Goring Heath Parish Charity |
Improving access to Goring Heath Village Hall |
Berrick Salome Parish Council |
Village Hall and car park improvements |
Whitchurch-on-Thames Parish Council |
Village Green Pavilion Replacement |
The following application was unsuccessful in receiving any funding as the Panel believed had sufficient unrestricted reserves to fund the project themselves.
Organisation |
Scheme |
Sonning Common Parish Council |
Churchill Crescent Play Area Resurfacing |
Supporting documents: