Agenda item

Recommendations from other committees

To consider any recommendations to Cabinet from other committees. 


Climate Emergency Advisory Committee – 29 June 2020


The Climate Emergency Advisory Committee considered the draft corporate plan on 29 June and made the several suggestions to clarify the wording in the plan.  The Cabinet member and officers agreed to take these points into consideration: 

·         regarding Finance Investment and Innovation – explicitly stating invest wisely with climate emergency in mind, e.g. avoiding fossil-fuelled companies 

·         clarify what is meant by the Gateway site  

·         support the concept of encouraging behavioural change on climate change matters

·         pick out more third-party agencies to emphasise partnership working, for example the Chilterns Conservation Board and the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty authority 

·         use planning powers to enshrine green spaces

·         encourage where possible net zero in build & operation

·         strengthen active travel and cycling infrastructure

·         support the creation of an Oxfordshire-wide Local Nature Partnership - to promote an ambitious nature recovery programme, including tree and meadow planting, re-wilding and providing habitats for wildlife 


Cabinet considered recommendations from other committees. 


Climate Emergency Advisory Committee – 29 June 2020 and Scrutiny Committee – 8 July 2020

Corporate plan 2020 to 2024


The Climate Emergency Advisory Committee had considered the draft corporate plan on 29 June and made the several suggestions for clarification.  The Cabinet member and officers had agreed to take these points into consideration: 

·         regarding Finance Investment and Innovation – explicitly stating invest wisely with climate emergency in mind, e.g. avoiding fossil-fuelled companies 

·         clarify what is meant by the Gateway site 

·         support the concept of encouraging behavioural change on climate change matters

·         pick out more third-party agencies to emphasise partnership working, for example the Chilterns Conservation Board and the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty authority 

·         use planning powers to enshrine green spaces

·         encourage where possible net-zero in build and operation

·         strengthen active travel and cycling infrastructure

·         support the creation of an Oxfordshire-wide local nature partnership to promote an ambitious nature recovery programme, including tree and meadow planting, re-wilding and providing habitats for wildlife 


The Scrutiny Committee had also considered the draft corporate plan on 8 July and asked that the following comments were taken on board in the final draft for consultation:

·         In theme 1: homes and infrastructure that meet local needs, focus on what the council has influence to do 

  • Retrofit homes to make them sustainable
  • Ensure the council is well-placed to tap into any government scheme/funding and advise and signpost residents to make use of schemes
  • Would like to see more specific details such as a workable definition of affordable housing
  • Balance between aspiration and pragmatism but the corporate plan must aspire and inspire—we can be champions of carbon zero 
  • Planning enforcement is important to our residents, consider whether to strengthen this in the illustrative projects
  • Importance of picking up on contextual matters, e.g. operating within legal planning framework and central government changes that could be coming
  • In theme 2: improved economic and community wellbeing—support, no changes suggested
  • In theme 3: action on the climate emergency, focus on what we can influence
  • Are the themes are ranked in any particular order and should they be ranked, e.g. climate emergency first? 
  • The active travel illustrative project should include walking and bus travel
  • In theme four: protect and restore our natural world, the council has a duty to protect the rural nature of the district
  • Consider including the Environment Agency in the list of relevant partners, as a closer relationship would be beneficial, particularly in relation to flood risk
  • Include wildlife corridors as a project and a project around local green space designation in urban areas
  • In theme five: Investment and innovation that rebuilds our financial viability, maximise the value of the council’s transformation budget
  • The plan needs to be realistic on what is deliverable within financial constraints
  • In theme six: openness and accountability, build on the Local Government Association’s survey that demonstrated that public levels of trust in local authorities after the Covid-19 crisis are at an all-time high
  • Add in representation of different groups into introductory theme text 
  • Consider increased public participation and accessibility of all public meetings
  • Encourage diversity in democratic decision-making
  • Promote the corporate plan in different languages, easy-to-read materials, and plain language to extend reach
  • Consider hard copy materials in public places like libraries


The Cabinet member for corporate services thanked the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee and the Scrutiny Committee for their comments, which would be taken into account in building the final draft plan.