Agenda item

Motions on notice

To consider motions from councillors in accordance with Council procedure rule 38. 


(1)       Motion to be proposed by Councillor Caroline Newton, seconded by Councillor Jane Murphy:




o   notes that the leader of the Liberal Democrats Party has re-stated his party’s commitment to building 380,000 homes a year

o   notes that 380,000 homes pa is fully 25% higher figure than targets proposed by any other political party in recent years

o   considers it important to understand what this building target might mean for South Oxfordshire

o   requests the Leader of the council to write to the Liberal Democrats Party Leader seeking clarification of how many extra houses he envisages this would bring to South Oxfordshire.


(2)  Motion to be proposed by Councillor David Rouane, seconded by Councillor Sue Cooper:


At its meeting on 25 March 2021 council passed a motion noting:

·       the failure of healthcare services within the district to keep pace with the growth in the population, and

·       the failure of the present system putting our planning service and planning committee under pressure to approve new housing without plans for healthcare in place.

The motion went on to call for officers to continue to try to engage with the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) and for the Leader to request a meeting with the CCG to discuss these issues.


Council notes that in April 2022 the CCG will be replaced by the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System (ICS).


Council therefore requests that the Leader seeks an early meeting with the Leadership of the ICS in order to raise the issues highlighted in the March motion to ensure that they are aware of the serious issues facing the district in term of healthcare provision and, in particular, the importance of the ICS engaging with the planning process to ensure that services keep pace with development.


(3)  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Ian White, seconded by Councillor Jane Murphy:


Council asks the Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities asking that he give focus to Planning Enforcement in his review of the Planning White Paper, including a review of the current powers and consideration to the introduction of additional powers available elsewhere in the UK, such as the requirement for developers to give notice of commencement and completion.


(4)       Motion to be proposed by Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye, seconder to be notified:


Council Notes: 


·       That this authority has declared both a climate and an ecological emergency

·       That the Glasgow Climate Pact recognises a crucial role for communities and local authorities. By “recognizing the important role of … local communities and civil society, including youth and children, in addressing and responding to climate change, and highlighting the urgent need for multilevel and cooperative action” the Pact makes plain the need for action at every level of government and society. Furthermore, the Pact explicitly calls on us “to actively involve ... local communities in designing and implementing climate action”.

·       That shortly before the Glasgow conference the UK government published its Net Zero Strategy, which includes the intention to establish a Net Zero Forum to coordinate the strategy with local government. 


Council believes:


·       That COP26 failed to provide the national targets that could put the world on course for limiting global average temperature rise to 1.5C; it failed to provide the carbon price mechanisms needed to shift the world economy away from fossil fuels; it failed to provide the necessary finance for developing nations to develop without fossil fuels or to deal with the loss and damage caused to them by wealthier nations that are historically responsible; it failed to outlaw all loopholes in ‘offsetting’ mechanisms; it failed to commit to phasing out fossil fuels. 

·       That the chances for a strong outcome from COP26 were weakened by the UK government’s mixed messages on climate action; not least the reduction in tax on internal flights, the continued commitment to new fossil fuel extraction in Cumbria and the North Sea oil fields, and the cuts to overseas aid. 

·       That the Climate Change Committee is correct when it states that it is “crucial for the [Net Zero] Forum to promptly develop an agreed understanding of the role of local government in delivering Net Zero. Furthermore, Government must ensure that critical enabling processes, such as the planning system and appraisal methodologies, are properly aligned to these pathways.”


Council resolves, in line with the Glasgow Pact and associated declarations: 


  • To provide leadership in the form of clear and regular guidance and information on the road to net zero, with transparency regarding the council's work and honesty with regard to the changes in homes, transport and diets required of us all
  • To publish our Climate Action Plan as soon as possible, where we set out how we will accelerate work on waste reduction, circular economy initiatives, retrofitting our buildings, sustainable food strategiesand natural carbon capture
  • To strengthen partnerships with other councils, local NHS trusts, businesses and  OxLEP including  through as the Future Oxfordshire Partnership, so all partners bring forward plans for decarbonising both their own activities and their supply chains. 
  • To play our part in the wider transport system transformation, including support for active travel, public and shared transport 
  • To investigate opportunities for local Green Investment Bonds (as promoted by LGA) which can enable those in our communities to invest to contribute to the development of local green infrastructure projects. 






          Council considered the following motions from councillors in accordance with Council Procedure rule 38.


Prior to the expiry of two and a half hours, Council agreed, in accordance with council procedure rule 12, to extend the meeting by half an hour to allow Council to complete the consideration of the agenda items.


1.    Councillor Caroline Newton moved, and Councillor Lorraine Hillier seconded the motion as set out in the agenda at agenda item 17

After debate and on being put to the vote the motion was agreed.






·       notes that the leader of the Liberal Democrats Party has re-stated his party’s commitment to building 380,000 homes a year

·       notes that 380,000 homes pa is fully 25% higher figure than targets proposed by any other political party in recent years

·       considers it important to understand what this building target might mean for South Oxfordshire

·       requests the Leader of the council to write to the Liberal Democrats Party Leader seeking clarification of how many extra houses he envisages this would bring to South Oxfordshire.


2.    With the consent of Council, Councillor David Rouane moved, and Councillor Sue Cooper seconded, the following motion to reflect proposed amendments from the Conservative Group – additional words shown in bold.


At its meeting on 25 March 2021 council passed a motion noting:

·       the failure of healthcare services within the district to keep pace with the growth in the population, and

·       the failure of the present system putting our planning service and planning committee under pressure to approve new housing without plans for healthcare in place.


The motion went on to call for officers to continue to try to engage with the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) and for the Leader to request a meeting with the CCG to discuss these issues.


Council notes that in April 2022 the CCG will be replaced by the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System (ICS).


At the previous meeting the Wards on the boundaries of Oxfordshire highlighted issues experienced during the pandemic.  SODC Councillors withOxfordshire residents registered with GPs linked to Buckinghamshire CCG did not receive the same level of information on local pandemic actions for those residents as they did for those registered with GPs within the Oxfordshire CCG area.


Council thereforerequests that the Leader seeks an early meeting with the Leadership of the ICS in order to raise the issues highlighted in the March motion to ensure that they are aware of the serious issues facing the district in term of healthcare provision and, in particular, the importance of the ICS engaging with the planning process to ensure that services keep pace with development.


As the new ICS will cover Oxfordshire, Berkshire & Buckinghamshire, can the leader seek assurances that this issue will not occur in the future and that this will no longer be an issue across county boundaries.


After debate and on being put to the vote the motion was agreed.



At its meeting on 25 March 2021 council passed a motion noting:

·       the failure of healthcare services within the district to keep pace with the growth in the population, and

·       the failure of the present system putting our planning service and planning committee under pressure to approve new housing without plans for healthcare in place.


The motion went on to call for officers to continue to try to engage with the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) and for the Leader to request a meeting with the CCG to discuss these issues.


Council notes that in April 2022 the CCG will be replaced by the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System (ICS).


At the previous meeting the Wards on the boundaries of Oxfordshire highlighted issues experienced during the pandemic.  SODC Councillors with Oxfordshire residents registered with GPs linked to Buckinghamshire CCG did not receive the same level of information on local pandemic actions for those residents as they did for those registered with GPs within the Oxfordshire CCG area.


Council therefore requests that the Leader seeks an early meeting with the Leadership of the ICS in order to raise the issues highlighted in the March motion to ensure that they are aware of the serious issues facing the district in term of healthcare provision and, in particular, the importance of the ICS engaging with the planning process to ensure that services keep pace with development.


As the new ICS will cover Oxfordshire, Berkshire & Buckinghamshire, can the leader seek assurances that this issue will not occur in the future and that this will no longer be an issue across county boundaries.


3.    Councillor Ian White moved, and Councillor Caroline Newton seconded, the motion as set out in the agenda at agenda item 17.

After debate and on being put to the vote the motion was agreed.




Council asks the Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities asking that he give focus to Planning Enforcement in his review of the Planning White Paper, including a review of the current powers and consideration to the introduction of additional powers available elsewhere in the UK, such as the requirement for developers to give notice of commencement and completion.


4.    Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye moved, and Councillor David Rouane seconded, the motion as set out in the agenda at agenda item 17.

An amendment moved by Councillor Celia Wilson and seconded by Councillor Mocky Khan, to amend the second bullet point under of the “Council resolves, in line with the Glasgow Pact and associated declarations” heading was accepted by the mover and seconder of the original motion – omitted word shown by a strikethrough and additional word shown in bold: 


  • To publish our a Climate Action Plan as soon as possible, where we set out how we will accelerate work on waste reduction, circular economy initiatives, retrofitting our buildings, sustainable food strategiesand natural carbon capture


After debate and on being put to the vote the motion was agreed.




Council Notes: 


  • That this authority has declared both a climate and an ecological emergency
  • That the Glasgow Climate Pact recognises a crucial role for communities and local authorities. By “recognizing the important role of … local communities and civil society, including youth and children, in addressing and responding to climate change, and highlighting the urgent need for multilevel and cooperative action” the Pact makes plain the need for action at every level of government and society. Furthermore, the Pact explicitly calls on us “to actively involve ... local communities in designing and implementing climate action”.
  • That shortly before the Glasgow conference the UK government published its Net Zero Strategy, which includes the intention to establish a Net Zero Forum to coordinate the strategy with local government. 


Council believes:


  • That COP26 failed to provide the national targets that could put the world on course for limiting global average temperature rise to 1.5C; it failed to provide the carbon price mechanisms needed to shift the world economy away from fossil fuels; it failed to provide the necessary finance for developing nations to develop without fossil fuels or to deal with the loss and damage caused to them by wealthier nations that are historically responsible; it failed to outlaw all loopholes in ‘offsetting’ mechanisms; it failed to commit to phasing out fossil fuels. 
  • That the chances for a strong outcome from COP26 were weakened by the UK government’s mixed messages on climate action; not least the reduction in tax on internal flights, the continued commitment to new fossil fuel extraction in Cumbria and the North Sea oil fields, and the cuts to overseas aid. 
  • That the Climate Change Committee is correct when it states that it is “crucial for the [Net Zero] Forum to promptly develop an agreed understanding of the role of local government in delivering Net Zero. Furthermore, Government must ensure that critical enabling processes, such as the planning system and appraisal methodologies, are properly aligned to these pathways.”


Council resolves, in line with the Glasgow Pact and associated declarations: 


  • To provide leadership in the form of clear and regular guidance and information on the road to net zero, with transparency regarding the council's work and honesty with regard to the changes in homes, transport and diets required of us all
  • To publish a Climate Action Plan as soon as possible, where we set out how we will accelerate work on waste reduction, circular economy initiatives, retrofitting our buildings, sustainable food strategiesand natural carbon capture
  • To strengthen partnerships with other councils, local NHS trusts, businesses and  OxLEP including  through as the Future Oxfordshire Partnership, so all partners bring forward plans for decarbonising both their own activities and their supply chains. 
  • To play our part in the wider transport system transformation, including support for active travel, public and shared transport 
  • To investigate opportunities for local Green Investment Bonds (as promoted by LGA) which can enable those in our communities to invest to contribute to the development of local green infrastructure projects.