Agenda item

P21/S1638/FUL - Land to the rear of 60-66 High Street, Chalgrove

Demolition of garage block. Erection of a pair of single storey 2-bed dwellings to the rear of 60-66 High St, Chalgrove, as amplified by SAP information received on 14 June 2021, as amplified by drainage strategy and flood risk assessment received 10 August 2021.


The committee considered planning application P21/S1638/FUL for the demolition of garage block, erection of a pair of single storey 2-bed dwellings, as amplified by Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) information received on 14 June 2021, as amplified by drainage strategy and flood risk assessment received 10 August 2021 on land to the rear of 60-66 High Street, Chalgrove.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. The planning officer reported that since the publication of the agenda, Chalgrove Parish Council had withdrawn its objection to the application. A letter from the parish council dated Friday 7 January 2022 had been sent to the committee on Monday 10 January 2022 by the democratic services officer.


The planning officer reported that this application related to the demolition of eight garages behind the parade of shops and the construction of two single storey dwellings. The planning officer summarised the objections which had been made to the application, which included issues of overdevelopment, inappropriate access and lack of parking, proximity to existing gardens, loss of gardens to the flats, and residential amenity, including garden sizes.


The planning officer also reported that the applicant was advised at pre application stage that a single storey development would assist in avoiding any direct overlooking to neighbours. The applicant had acknowledged this and had submitted a scheme which was single storey in design.

Both properties had garden sizes which exceeded the council’s standard of 50 square metres for a 2-bed dwelling. House 1 had a rear garden of 51 square metres, whilst house 2 has a rear and size garden of 77 square metres. As such, the proposal provided adequate private amenity space to accord with the South Oxfordshire design guide’s standards and policy DES5 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan (SOLP).


The planning officer advised the committee that the access arrangements to the proposed development had been carefully examined and that the Oxfordshire County Council, the highways authority, had no objection. The pre-existing bin collection arrangements would continue.


The design guide stated that a 10 metre gap should exist between the rear of a property and the rear boundary. For this proposal, the distance was 4.5 metres. The proposed dwellings, however, would be limited to a single storey, with a maximum modest ridge height of 4 metres. As such, the proposed dwellings would not appear to be visually intrusive or overbearing. The planning officer also reported that in the interests of good neighbourliness, the boundaries of the proposal prior to first occupation would be carefully considered; a scheme for the provision of boundary treatment would be included as an additional proposed planning condition.


The planning officer reported on possible flood risk to the development. The site was situated in flood zones 1, 2 and 3. The council’s drainage engineer had initially lodged a holding objection to this proposal on the grounds that a flood risk assessment (FRA) was required, due to the site’s location within flood zones 2 and 2.  An FRA was subsequently submitted, and the council’s drainage engineer had raised no objection to the proposal on drainage grounds. He had confirmed that the information submitted demonstrated that an emergency vehicle could access the site into flood zone 1 and that a feasible surface water drainage strategy had been demonstrated. The drainage engineer no longer raised an objection to the proposal on flooding grounds.


The planning officer reported on biodiversity aspects of the proposed development. The agent had submitted a biodiversity statement which demonstrated that there would be a net gain of 14 square metres of green space as a result of the proposal. The council’s countryside officer had considered the applicant’s biodiversity statement. That officer had advised that compliance with council policy ENV3 (biodiversity) could be secured with the delivery of the two bird boxes, two bat boxes and insect bricks.


Mr. Richard Thomas, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor David Turner, the local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.


Planning officers considered that the redevelopment of this site by the removal of the garages and the incorporation of the neglected garden area into functioning rear gardens would enhance the character and visual amenity of the area and would not detract from the established character of the area.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P21/S1638/FUL subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement three years - Full Planning Permission

2.     Approved plans

3.    Materials as on plan

4.    Withdrawal of Permitted Development rights (Part 1 Class A) - no extensions etc.

5.    Withdrawal of Permitted Development rights (Part 1 Class E) - no buildings etc.

6.    Energy Statement Verification

7.    Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained

8.    Cycle Parking (approved plans)

9.    Surface Water Drainage

10.  Electrical vehicles charging point

11.  Compliance condition ecology


Additional condition on boundary treatment;


Prior to the construction of any development above slab level a scheme for the provision of boundary treatment shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The scheme shall be implemented prior to the first occupation or use of development and thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Supporting documents: