Agenda item

P16/S2576/O - Land off Pyrton Lane, Watlington

Outline application for the erection of up to 100 residential dwellings including vehicular access, public open space, car parking, landscaping and drainage.

As amended by drawings and additional information received 20 September 2016, 27 October 2016, 24 August 2017, 13 June 2018, 22 July 2021, 17 November 2021, 7 December 2021 and 18 January 2022.


The committee considered application P16/S2576/O for an outline application for the erection of up to 100 residential dwellings including vehicular access, public open space, car parking, landscaping and drainage. As amended by drawings and additional information received 20 September 2016, 27 October 2016, 24 August 2017, 13 June 2018, 22 July 2021, 17 November 2021, 7 December 2021 and 18 January 2022, on land off Pyrton Lane, Watlington.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer provided the committee with further context to the application, detailing that the site was an agricultural field of just under fourteen hectares and was located between Watlington and Pyrton. The site was also located near Pyrton Manor, which was a Grade II listed building and was also near a Grade II registered park and garden, which was associated with the Grade I listed building, Shirburn Castle. The officer then provided additional background information by explaining that the application was located on site PYR2 with sites A, B, and C, being allocated for housing under the Watlington Neighbourhood Plan. The committee were also told that planning permission was needed for the link sections of the road that fell outside of the developments, and that Oxfordshire County Council’s current timetable was to submit their application in late summer 2022. The planning officer concluded that subject to the conditions and a restriction of permitted development rights, that the application would have an acceptable impact for the AONB and was therefore recommended for approval.


Councillor Colin Ludlow, a representative of Pyrton Parish Council, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Matt Reid, a representative of Watlington Parish Council, spoke in support of the application.


The committee asked the speaker whether ownership of the land on the opposite side of the edge road would be transferred once development had commenced. The speaker confirmed that the transfer of ownership would take place once development had started.


Ms. Gill Bindoff, a local resident, spoke in support of the application.


Dr. Robert Wickham, the agent, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Anna Badcock, the local ward councillor, spoke in support of the application.


The committee asked the planning officer a question on whether the reserved matters would require roof-tiles to be handmade clay. The planning officer responded that the minutes could note the expectations of high quality materials being used in the application, with this being something that could be considered at the reserved matters stage of development.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


Before the vote took place, Councillor Tim Bearder withdrew from the vote due to being the cabinet member for highways management for Oxfordshire County Council.


RESOLVED: to grant outline planning permission for application P16/S2576/FUL subject to the following conditions:



1.    Reserved matters of appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and access to be submitted

2.    Timeframe for submission of reserved matters – within three years

3.    Commencement – not later than two years following approval of last reserved matters

4.    Development to be in accordance with approved plans

To be submitted with reserved matters

5.    Plans showing no more than 100 dwellings within the 3.25 ha built form area of the parameter plan

6.    Market mix designed to meet housing needs

7.    The following details:

a.    An energy statement (including SAP calculations demonstrating how the development will achieve at least a 40% carbon reduction in carbon emissions compared with code 2013 Building Regulations and details of how this will be monitored

b.    A schedule of external materials

c.     A lighting plan

d.    Boundary treatments

e.    Details of all street furniture

f.      Existing and proposed ground levels

g.    Maintenance schedule and long-term management plan for soft landscaping

h.    A plan showing drainage, service routes, highways layouts, vision splays and lighting alongside the landscaping

i.      Waste and recycling facilities

j.      Details of roads, accesses, footpaths and services

k.     Vehicle and cycle parking facilities

8.    Biodiversity Enhancement Plan to be approved concurrent with reserved matters


9.    Phasing plan detailing phasing of Edge Road and housing to be submitted for approval

10.Details of off-site highways works to be submitted for approval

11.Construction Traffic Management Plan for Biodiversity to be submitted for approval

12.Green Travel Plan to be submitted for approval

13.Environmental Management Plan for Biodiversity to be submitted for approval

14.Tree and hedge protection to be submitted for approval

15.Archaeological written scheme of investigation to be submitted for approval

16.Staged programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation to be carried out

17.Surface water drainage scheme to be submitted for approval

18.Foul water drainage scheme to be submitted for approval (including both on-site and off-site works)

19.Phased contaminated land risk assessment to be submitted for approval

20.Noise assessment for Edge Road and any necessary mitigation to be submitted for approval

Prior to first occupation

21.Access to be formed in accordance with specifications

22.Contaminated land remediation strategy and validation report to be submitted for approval

23.Implementation of energy efficiency measures and Verificiation Report to be submitted for approval

24.Air quality mitigation measures (including electric vehicle charging) to be submitted for approval

25.Measures to provide superfast broadband connectivity to be submitted for approval

26.Details of play areas and timetable for implementation to be submitted for approval


27.No development shall commence until the OCC planning application for the remaining section of the Edge Road is permitted

28.Restriction of permitted development rights for any roof alterations

29.Hours of construction

30.Accessibility and space standards

a.    At least 15% of market housing to meet Part M (4) Category 2

b.    At least 5% of affordable housing to meet Part M (4) Category 3

c.     All affordable housing and 1 and 2 bed market housing to meet Nationally Described Space Standards


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