Agenda item

P21/S4995/FUL - Upthorpe Farm, Moreton Road, Aston Tirrold

Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide five dwellings with associated works (amended plans to reduce height of dwellings, layout and design received 14 February 2022).


The committee considered planning application P21/S4995/FUL for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide five dwellings with associated works (amended plans to reduce height of dwellings, layout and design received 14 February 2022) at Upthorpe Farm, Moreton Road, Aston Tirrold.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that the application had been referred to the committee as a result of an objection received from Aston Tirrold Parish Council, which had raised concerns with respect to sustainability and a purported lack of infrastructure to support the development. The planning officer reported that the site was located within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The Aston Tirrold conservation area and neighbouring listed buildings were situated to the south-west. Amended plans had been received to meet officer concerns regarding the impact on the surrounding character of the rural area. The amended plans had reduced the height of the dwellings and altered the layout and the design of the development. The planning officer also reported that the proposal would follow the layout of the development to the east, with a traditional farmyard layout. The tallest dwelling would be 8.75m in height; although tall, the height of the dwellings would be less than the existing barn structures, which had a maximum height of 8.95m. The overall mass and scale of the buildings were in fact smaller than the existing structures on the site.


The planning officer explained that as the current application was within the AONB, the council should therefore be seeking 2 affordable units. The council’s affordable housing development team had been consulted and confirmed that an off-site financial contribution would be required for development of less than 10 homes within the AONB. For a site of 5 units, this would equate to 2 affordable homes. The commuted sum amount was calculated at £244,530. The committee queried the apparent modest size of the contribution. The planning officer responded that a consultancy had undertaken a viability study on behalf of the council, employing an approved and tested methodology, to reach the calculation. As a general rule, smaller villages, such as this, brought forward smaller sites, and a commuted sum was provided to give off site affordable housing provision. In this case, the applicant was not required to provide the actual value of the housing and the housing provider would obtain their own funding as well.


Councillor Jane Imbush, chair of Aston Tirrold and Aston Upthorpe Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.  A statement by Aston Tirrold and Aston Upthorpe Parish Council had been sent to the committee by the democratic services officer prior to the meeting. In response to a question from the committee regarding the extent of services and facilities in the village, Councillor Imbush replied that there was no bus service except school buses, there was no post office, except for a limited service in the parish hall, a small garage, a stud farm, no GP practice and no shops.


Mr Henry Venners, the agent, spoke in support of the application.


Mr. Bob Rendell, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Jane Murphy, a local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.


The committee asked whether the council could require film to be added to the lighting. The planning officer replied that proposed condition 17 would control external lighting. The senior planning officer also reported that an additional condition would be added in the event of permission being granted, to require details of glazing to be submitted to the council.


The committee asked whether a condition could be imposed to prevent conversion to more dwellings. The planning officer replied that this would require a separate application, which would be duly assessed at the time.


The committee had some concerns regarding the size of the dwellings but concluded, in agreement with the report’s recommendation, that overall, in the planning balance, the benefits of the development outweighed any potential harm.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P21/S4995/FUL subject to the completion of a S106 legal agreement for affordable housing, and the following conditions;


1.   Commencement three years - Full Planning Permission

2.   Approved plans

3.   Sample materials

4.   Surface Water Drainage

5.   Foul Water Drainage

6.   Biodiversity Enhancement Plan

7.   Construction traffic management plan

8.   Landscaping

9.   Tree protection

10.  Boundary details

11.  Contamination - phased risk assessment

12.  Energy Statement Verification

13.  Electric Vehicle Charging Points

14.  Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained

15.  Contamination- phased risk assessment

16.  Contamination (unsuspected contaminated land)

17.  External lighting

18.  Maintenance and upkeep of the site

19.  Hours of operation - construction/demolition

20.  No garage conversion

Additional condition; details of glazing.

Supporting documents: