Agenda item

P22/S1116/FUL: 21 Kellys Road Wheatley, OX33 1NT

A full application for the demolition of an existing detached garage. Erection of new contemporary two storey two bed dwelling. Provision of private amenity space with off street parking utilising existing highway access to Kellys Road. Provision of enclosed bin and bike stores. (As amended by drawing no 21-021-P-001-C and revised Design and Access Statement accompanying Agent's email dated 19 July 2022).


This full application was for the demolition of existing detached garage. Erection of new contemporary two storey two bed dwelling. Provision of private amenity space with off street parking utilising existing highway access to Kellys Road. Provision of enclosed bin and bike stores. (As amended by drawing no 21-021-P-001-C and revised Design and Access Statement accompanying Agent's email dated 19 July 2022).


The application was referred to the planning committee because the recommendation to approve planning permission conflicts with the views of the Parish Council, who were concerned that the site was cramped, the design was not in keeping with the character of the area and the parking was inadequate.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


Neighbours had no objections but felt that some amendments could be made to improve parking and to avoid parking on the road, which could compound access for emergency vehicles and refuse lorries.


The officer summarised additional comments from a neighbour who could not be present at the meeting highlighting concerns about parking.


Officer explained that there was one parking pace allocated for the new building, and that there was provision for less than the Oxfordshire County parking standard of two spaces for a two-bedroom dwelling, where the property was in a very sustainable area such as this (good transport access, local amenities etc). Officer considered that the area’s buildings were varied in design so the argument of this development being not in keeping was not justified. The change in levels and varied building line helped to re were measures in place within the application to make the development appear less cramped.


There were no public speakers, but ward member Councillor Alexandrine Kantor was present, and she had no strong opinion on the application, but was happy to hear that the neighbours were not in objection to the proposal.


A query was raised about boundary wall maintenance where the wall was against the property. A query about the hedge was raised. Officer confirmed that the existing hedge would be truncated with no loss of biodiversity. Increased biodiversity would be provided through the use of Sedum grass on the new flatroof and another boundary hedge being added.


A motion was moved to support the officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission.


The committee debated the motion. The committee did not have objection overall and no grounds for refusal, although one member felt there could have been more detailed drawings provided. Consideration was given to the mixed style of buildings shown in the photographs. A member spoke about the very sustainable nature of the area, with excellent bus routes to Oxford, therefore extra cars on properties was not needed and should not be encouraged, to ensure public transport infrastructure was supported to continue. Committee voted on the motion.



To approve the officer recommendation to grant planning permission as follows:



To grant Planning Permission subject to the following conditions



1. Commencement of development within 3 years

2. Development in accordance with approved plans



3. Details of levels to be submitted

4. Details of materials to be submitted

5. Details of surface water drainage to be submitted

6. Contaminated Land - Linked Conditions (1)



7. Contaminated Land - Linked Conditions (2)

8. Energy Statement Verification

9. New vehicular access

10.Parking & Manoeuvring Areas to be provided

11.Cycle parking in accordance with plan

12.Landscaping implantation

13.Electric Vehicles Charging Point (implementation)

14.Prevention of overlooking from the balcony



15.Withdrawal of P.D. (Part 1 Class A) - no extensions

16.No Surface Water Drainage to Highway

17.Unsuspected contamination



Supporting documents: