Agenda item

Questions under Council procedure rule 34

To receive questions from members of the council under Council procedure rule 34.


  1. Question from Mrs Eleanor Hards to the Leader of the council, Mrs Ann Ducker, MBE


Can the Leader define for Council members the exact boundaries of Science Vale?


  1. Question from Mrs Margaret Davies to the Leader of the council, Mrs Ann Ducker, MBE


Will the Leader please provide the following information:


The projected flows and monies received in each year for New Homes Bonus generated by housing at Didcot.


  1. Question from Mr Roger Bell to the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Property and Technical Services, Mrs Judith Nimmo-Smith


South Oxfordshire and the Vale are two of the relatively few districts in England and Wales that, since 2005, have not introduced a Civil Enforcement Area, permitted under the Traffic Management Act 2004. This gives Local Authorities the power to enforce contraventions of parking controls within their designated area. These powers were formerly held by the police and usually operated by designated Traffic Wardens. In reality access by car to our towns and larger villages is vital for their future prosperity, both for people within the district coming in to use the facilities, and also by encouraging visiting tourists likewise, and enforcement of existing rules such as double yellow lines and time controlled on street parking is essential. This is so even though ideally public transport and other forms such as cycling and walking should be encouraged wherever  possible. All residents of the district will benefit from such a scheme as they all make use of the facilities provided in the more built up areas.


Will the Cabinet member therefore confirm that officers at South Oxfordshire are currently investigating and consulting on this issue with the firm intention of introducing such a scheme as soon as possible and that in addition to the four towns the larger villages will also be consulted with a view to being included? 


  1. Question from Mrs Denise Macdonald to the Leader of the council, Mrs Ann Ducker, MBE


Can the Leader tell me what proportion of the money from pitch fees and commission on sales of mobile homes has been used over the last five years to repair and maintain the council-owned mobile home site at Foxhall Manor Park, Didcot and what is the balance used for?



1.Question from Mrs Eleanor Hards to the Leader of the council, Mrs Ann Ducker, MBE

Can the Leader define for Council members the exact boundaries of Science Vale?


The name Science Vale was coined in 2009 to represent the broad area that encompasses Harwell Oxford science campus, Milton BusinessPark and the Centre for Fusion Energy at Culham, plus other large science businesses across Southern Oxfordshire. Our original purpose in setting up the science vale partnership was to draw attention to the world leading research and development and advanced manufacturing that exists in the area and to seek investment in infrastructure to support the growth planned by government on these big science parks.

The partnership, now branded Science Vale, Oxford to capitalise on the international reputation of Oxford University, has members from each of the science parks and its focus is on supporting business growth, particularly in the Enterprise Zone that covers 93 hectares on Harwell and Milton Park. The area of Science Vale is loosely defined for the purpose of business growth and there has been no desire on the part of the partners to draw a firm line around the area as it could mean that science businesses outside the line might not be able to benefit from the work of the partnership.

We have had immense success in our promotion of Science Vale. We bid successfully for an Enterprise Zone that will bring income of over £100m to Oxfordshire for infrastructure development. We have obtained grants of £21m for innovation centres at Harwell, Milton Park and Culham. We have won funding of over £40m for road works that will improve traffic movement across the area, including between Didcot and the A34 and Harwell.

We will shortly embark on the production of a joint Area Action Plan for Science Vale, with the Vale of White Horse, which is a planning document that will ensure development is in the right place, to the right quality. and properly served by good infrastructure. This plan is in our budget for 2014 and it will ensure that the growth that's taking place in and around Didcot enhances and adds value to the town. We will be consulting on the boundaries of the Area Action Plan in the coming months.

Supplementary question

Mrs Hards asked how a decision would be made regarding which communities to include in the Area Action Plan.


Mrs Ducker responded that no decision had been taken but that a full consultation exercise would be undertaken with the affected communities.

2. Question from Mrs Margaret Davies to the Leader of the council, Mrs Ann Ducker, MBE. In view of her absence, Steven Corrigan, Democratic Services Manager, read out the question on behalf of Mrs Davies.


Will the Leader please provide the following information:  The projected flows and monies received in each year for New Homes Bonus generated by housing at Didcot.



There are past NHB receipts which are known and future NHB receipts which have been predicted based on housing growth forecasts.  The figures below include all known NHB receipts for South Oxfordshire and all future estimates factored into the medium term financial plan.


This council receives £3.916 million in known NHB receipts for NHB years 2011 - 2014.  Of this, approximately £955,000 relates to the Didoct area i.e. 24%.


Officers also estimate this council will receive an additional £14.134 million in future NHB receipts for NHB years 2015 - 2018.  Of this, approximately £5.218 million will relate to the Didcot area i.e. 37%.


The total of known and forecast NHB is £18.05 million, of which approximately £6.173 million relates to Didcot i.e. 34%.



3. Question from Mr Roger Bell to the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Property and Technical Services, Mrs Judith Nimmo-Smith


South Oxfordshire and the Vale are two of the relatively few districts in England and Wales that, since 2005, have not introduced a Civil Enforcement Area, permitted under the Traffic Management Act 2004. This gives Local Authorities the power to enforce contraventions of parking controls within their designated area. These powers were formerly held by the police and usually operated by designated Traffic Wardens. In reality access by car to our towns and larger villages is vital for their future prosperity, both for people within the district coming in to use the facilities, and also by encouraging visiting tourists likewise, and enforcement of existing rules such as double yellow lines and time controlled on street parking is essential. This is so even though ideally public transport and other forms such as cycling and walking should be encouraged wherever  possible. All residents of the district will benefit from such a scheme as they all make use of the facilities provided in the more built up areas.


Will the Cabinet member therefore confirm that officers at South Oxfordshire are currently investigating and consulting on this issue with the firm intention of introducing such a scheme as soon as possible and that in addition to the four towns the larger villages will also be consulted with a view to being included?



I can confirm that officers are currently investigating and consulting on the implications of civil parking enforcement (CPE).  Discussions have taken place with the four town councils, which have been generally positive.  In addition, officers have carried out a citizens panel survey to find out the panel's views on parking.  The survey results are yet to be analysed but, once they have been, I will ensure that the results are published in the WIS.
The power to apply to the Department for Transport for
CPE power rests with Oxfordshire County Council; we would act as its agent in implementing the power assuming it is granted.  At present, the county council is indicating that it would prefer to move forward with a single application covering the three districts in Oxfordshire that do not have CPE currently - Cherwell, Vale of White Horse and ourselves.  This is to minimise costs.  Discussions are ongoing with the other two district councils.


I am well aware of the support for CPE in places outside of the four towns.  I can reassure Cllr Bell that if CPE is implemented in South Oxfordshire then it will cover the whole district.


Supplementary question

Mr Bell asked whether whether or not the district council will actively support all the towns and the larger villages in seeking to find and provide additional off street parking in designated car parks as set out in Section 5.31 of the council’s adopted Core Strategy relating to market towns.



Mrs Nimmo-Smith undertook to provide a written response.


4.Question from Mrs Denise Macdonald to the Leader of the council, Mrs Ann Ducker, MBE


Can the Leader tell me what proportion of the money from pitch fees and commission on sales of mobile homes has been used over the last five years to repair and maintain the council-owned mobile home site at FoxhallManor Park, Didcot and what is the balance used for?



Over the past five years the proportion of money from the pitch fees and commission spent on repairs and maintenance at Foxhall Manor Park has varied:

In 2008/09 it was 58 per cent

In 2009/10 it was 40 per cent

In 2010/11 it was 75 per cent

In 2011/12 it was 34 per cent

In 2012/13 it was 25 per cent.


The surplus income goes into the general fund to help deliver quality services.


The council has a regular maintenance programme at Foxhall Manor Park, but also asks for input about areas for improvement from residents through surveys, newsletters, and general correspondence.  Current issues are identified and managed to help achieve positive outcomes for residents and the park.  So with council officers and residents highlighting any areas of concern, we are confident the park is well maintained and improvements are implemented where necessary.   However, officers always welcome suggestions of any other specific areas where further maintenance may be required.


Supplementary question

Mrs Macdonald welcomed the response. However, she asked why, if money was available, residents had contacted her complaining they were informed no funds were available to address their issues?


Mrs Ducker responded that she was surprised to hear this. She was aware of issues at the park. Residents had the opportunity to raise these at management/officer meetings and funds were available for improvements.

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