Agenda item

P22/S0093/FUL - Land adjacent to 5 St Annes Close, Access off Old Greys Lane, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1XA

Construction of 1no dwelling with parking and associated landscaping. (As amplified by transport statement received 11 July 2022 and amended by plans received 20 October 2022 to replace one front dormer with high level rooflight).


The committee considered planning application P22/S0093/FUL for the construction of a dwelling with parking and associated landscaping (as amplified by transport statement received 11 July 2022 and amended by plans received 20 October 2022 to replace one front dormer with high level rooflight), on land adjacent to 5 St Annes Close, Access off Old Greys Lane, Henley-on-Thames.

Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.

The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was brought to the committee due to the objection of the town council. The site itself was a long strip of land between Deanfield Avenue and St Anne’s Close, with most of it being taken up by a single-track lane serving existing properties and a Thames Water pumping station. The application would extend the lane to create the driveway and parking for the proposed development. The existing footpath would not be affected. The dwelling itself was proposed to be a three bedroom house and was considered to
be sufficiently separated from 5 St Anne’s Close to avoid being overbearing with the window position meaning it would avoid material loss of privacy.

A previous application for a single dwelling on the site was dismissed at appeal as it had unacceptable amenity space, especially regarding the shadowing of the site from the trees to the south. Due to the larger garden area proposed in this application, the planning officer believed that the planning inspectorate’s criticism had been addressed.

As there were no objections from technical consultees and the development
addressed the concerns by the planning inspectorate on the previously refused application, the planning officer believed that the new application was considered to be acceptable.


Councillor Ken Arlett spoke on behalf of Henley-on-Thames Town Council, objecting to the application.

Chris Keen, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.

The committee had conducted a site visit prior to the discussion of the application. The committee raised concerns about the potential loss of the public footpath and agreed that this should be retained. As the agent confirmed that the applicant would be willing to ensure the footpath was retained for public use, and improved, as part of their application, a new condition was agreed by the committee for footpath treatment and associated works on and off the site. In addition, the committee agreed that it would like to see this footpath adopted in the definitive map as a public right of way,
therefore, the members also agreed to include an informative on the planning
permission indicating the commitment of the agent to work with Oxfordshire Country Council, the local highways authority, to make this the case.

On a question about potential flooding issues, the planning officer confirmed that the drainage engineers had not raised concerns. Members also asked about the stability of the bank and the planning officer believed that the retaining wall on the plans would deal with this issue but the committee agreed that it would like to see more detail of this retaining wall and therefore for this to be explicitly required in the conditions.

Ultimately, as the site complied with the local plan policies and addressed the
concerns that lead to the previous application being refused on appeal, the committee did not see any material planning reasons for refusal. Therefore, it was agreed that the application was considered acceptable subject to a new condition about footpath and associated works on and off site, inclusion of detail about the retaining wall in the boundary treatment condition, and an informative about the importance of ensuring the footpath would be adopted as a public right of way.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.

RESOLVED: to approve planning application P22/S0093/FUL, subject to the following conditions:

1. Commencement of development within 3 years
2. Implement development in accordance with approved plans
3. Schedule of Materials to be agreed in writing
4. Proposed levels to be agreed
5. Rooflight serving bedroom 1 along the north elevation to be set at least 1.7 metres in height
6. Landscaping schedule (including hardsurfacing, boundary treatment and details of retaining walls) to be agreed in writing
7. Surface water drainage works (details required) to be agreed in writing
8. Foul drainage works (details required) to be agreed in writing
8. Vision splay dimensions to be agreed
10. Turning Area & Car Parking to be implemented as per plan and remain unobstructed
11. Contaminated Land – phased risk assessment
12. Contaminated Land – remediation strategy
13. Unsuspected Contaminated Land to be reported and mitigation agreed in writing
14. Wildlife Protection measures to be implemented as per recommendations in supporting Ecological Appraisal
15. Biodiversity Enhancement features as recommended in Ecological Appraisal to be submitted to and approved in writing
16. Biodiversity Offsetting –certificate confirming the agreement of an Offsetting Provider to deliver a Biodiversity Offsetting Scheme to be agreed
17. External Lighting – details to be agreed if proposed
18. Withdrawal of permitted development rights for roof additions and alterations (Class B and Class C) to the front elevation
19. Withdrawal of permitted development rights for outbuildings (Class E)
20. Details of the realigned steps between Henley-on-Thames public footpath 6 and Makins Recreation Ground to be agreed and implemented prior to construction of the dwelling above slab level

Informative – The applicant is advised to explore the possibility with Oxfordshire County Council of adding the existing path between Henley-on-Thames public footpath 6 and Makins Recreation Ground to the Definitive Rights of Way Map.

Supporting documents: