Agenda item

P22/S2574/FUL - Lower Cross Farm Blewbury Road East Hagbourne, OX11 9LF

Erection of detached dwelling, with associated garage, access and turning space and landscaping.


(As amplified by additional energy information received 26 July 2022, archaeology information received the 29 July 2022 and ecological information submitted on the 21 October 2022 and amended by drawings altering the rear elevation, site area and amplified by arboricultural information accompanying email from agent received 27 September 2022).



In advance of this item, the committee adjourned for five minutes in order to take a short break.


The committee then considered planning application P22/S2574/FUL for the erection of detached dwelling, with associated garage, access and turning space and landscaping (as amplified by additional energy information received 26 July 2022, archaeology information received the 29 July 2022 and ecological information submitted on the 21 October 2022 and amended by drawings altering the rear elevation, site area and amplified by arboricultural information accompanying email from agent received 27 September 2022) on land at Lower Cross Farm Blewbury Road East Hagbourne.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was brought to the committee due to the objection of the parish council. The planning officer informed the committee that the site sat within the confines of the village, was surrounded on three sides by properties to the north, east, and west, and therefore fell within the definition of an infill site. Based on this, the planning officer was satisfied that the principle of the development was acceptable.

The planning officer noted that the application was in a conservation area and that the conservation officer has been involved throughout the process and has no objection subject to a condition about the approval of materials. In addition, the highways authority did not object, subject to parking being retained within the site and the widening of the road leading to the dwelling to allow for two cars to pass.

As the planning officer did not believe the development would be harmful to character or appearance of the surrounding area, nor cause material harm to the amenity of surrounding residents, and as there were no objections from technical consultees subject to conditions, the planning officer considered the application acceptable and recommended it for approval.


Councillor Derek Button spoke on behalf of East Hagbourne Parish Council, objecting to the application.

Robert Ainger spoke objecting to the application.

Peter Crozier, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the


The committee asked about the proposed condition for the widening of the access at the point it joined the main road and agreed that it would like to see this condition moved from prior to occupation to prior to commencement. The reason mentioned for this change was that the widening would be very useful during the construction phase in order to allow for heavy vehicles to more easily enter the access road. The agent confirmed that this was acceptable.

In addition, the members sought confirmation that the boundary on the south side would be retained as a hedge and that a fence would not be erected. The planning officer mentioned that this could be included in the proposed condition relating to landscaping and the agent for the application confirmed that they would be open to conditions about site boundaries and landscaping.

The committee agreed with the planning officer’s recommendations that this would be considered an infill as it was surrounded on three sides, and that it was of no material harm to the surrounding area. Therefore, the committee agreed that the application should be approved, subject to conditions and the moving of the access widening condition to prior to commencement of works and for more detailed wording on the landscaping condition relating to the south boundary.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.

RESOLVED: to approve planning application P22/S2574/FUL, subject to the following conditions:

Standard Conditions:

1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission
2. Approved plans

Prior to commencement conditions:
3. Landscaping Scheme (trees and shrubs and boundary treatments)
4. Tree Protection (Detailed)
5. Archaeological Watching Brief
6. Archaeology (Submission and implementation of Written Scheme of Investigation)
7. Construction zone – grass land
8. Surface water drainage works (details required)
9. Foul drainage works (details required)
10. Access widening

Prior to the relevant works being carried out conditions:
11. Submission of material details

Prior to occupation conditions:
12. Energy Statement verification
13. Wildlife protection (mitigation as approved)
14. Biodiversity enhancements
15. Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained
16. Electric Vehicles Charging Point

Compliance conditions:
17. Withdrawal of Permitted Development right (Part 1 Class E) - no outbuildings etc
18. Obscure glazing first floor side windows

Supporting documents: