Agenda item

P22/S3126/FUL - Steven Orton Antiques, Shirburn Road, Watlington, OX49 5BZ

The redevelopment of part of the site at Shirburn Road, Watlington for the erection of 25 age restricted dwellings (for people aged 55 and over), including communal facilities, landscaping and parking.


The committee considered planning application P22/S3126/FUL for the redevelopment of part of the site at Shirburn Road, Watlington for the erection of 25 age restricted dwellings (for people aged 55 and over), including communal facilities, landscaping and parking, on land at Steven Orton Antiques, Shirburn Road, Watlington.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was brought to the committee due to the objection of Pyrton Parish Council.


The planning officer informed the committee that the applicant had submitted a construction traffic management plan since the publication of the agenda and that it was accepted by the local highway’s authority with minor additions. For this reason, the planning officer confirmed that suggested condition 10 on the approval of the application should be changed to a compliance condition referencing that plan.


The planning officer detailed the surroundings to the site, noting that Watlington was to the south, that the area to the west had been given resolution to grant outline permission for 100 dwellings, and the broader area of the site itself. The current application site had permission for a care home, but permission was being sought for the replacement of that facility with 25 age restricted units.


On the units themselves, the planning officer considered that they were in keeping with the design, scale, and layout of the existing age restricted units in the adjacent site and were acceptable. She also noted that a financial viability assessment had been submitted which indicated that affordable housing provision or contribution was not viable for the scheme, and that this was supported by the council’s own independent viability assessment. The planning officer also demonstrated the need for accommodation for over 55’s in the district.


In response to submitted comments on the application requesting that the care home should be retained, the planning officer clarified that having a preferred scheme was not grounds on which to refuse another scheme, and that each should be judged on its own merits.


Overall, as the development was supported by both the local plan and the neighbourhood plan, and that there were no objections from technical consultees, she recommended that the application be approved.



Colin Ludlow spoke on behalf of Pyrton Parish Council, objecting to the application. 


Matthew Parry, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application. 



The committee asked about the point raised by the parish council, that the application was not in conformity with the neighbourhood plan. In response, the planning officer noted that neighbourhood plan policy only had limits on housing density which adversely affected the character of the area, and that as she considered that this application would not do that, the neighbourhood plan would not be opposed to the development. In addition, she highlighted that the amount of housing suggested for the site from the neighbourhood plan was derived from a resident’s survey and were not based on what the site could actually accommodate or on any basis of need. The planning officer also brought members’ attention to the fact that the previously approved care home on the site was a material consideration.


On a question about footpaths, the planning officer confirmed that a safe footway would link the site to Watlington. She also clarified a point about the site and confirmed that it was actually a brownfield site and that the character of the area was influenced by the approved edge road and 100 unit housing development site near the proposed development.


Members discussed the Watlington neighbourhood plan and whether the development was in conformity with its policies. Overall, they felt that there were no material planning grounds in the plan to refuse the application as both the density and amenity space provided were policy compliant.


Members also indicated that they believed Oxfordshire to be oversubscribed with care homes and in need of assisted living housing, so they welcomed the developments.


As it was a brownfield site, with an already approved application for a care home on the site, they accepted that the principle of development was acceptable. Furthermore, as they could see no other material planning reasons to refuse the application, they agreed that it should be approved subject to conditions.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 



RESOLVED: to approve planning application P22/S3126/FUL, subject to the completion of a S106 agreement for the infrastructure contributions and obligations identified in the report and the following conditions:


1. Commencement within three years

2. Develop in accordance with approved plans

3. Sample materials to be submitted

4. Tree planting in hard surface areas

5. Landscaping scheme to be submitted

6. Landscape Management Plan to be submitted

7. Archaeology to be carried out in accordance with approved WSI

8. Noise mitigation to be submitted

9. Construction Method Statement to be submitted

10. Construction Traffic Management Plan compliance

11. Cycle parking

12. Tree Protection as approved

13. Biodiversity enhancements to be approved

14. Car parking provided as approved

15. Vehicle electric charging points to be submitted

16. Travel Plan and Travel Information Pack to be submitted

17. Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) compliance

18. Development to be carried out in accordance with Remediation Strategy

19. Confirmation of any unsuspected contamination

20. Energy Statement and carbon reduction measures and Verification

21. Details of external lighting

22. Surface water drainage as approved

23. Foul water drainage as approved


Contaminated Land Informative

CIL Informative

S106 Informative

Supporting documents: