Agenda item

Community infrastructure levy draft charging schedule

To receive the report from the head of planning


Adrian Duffield, Head of Planning and Councillor Angie Paterson attended the committee to present the report and answer questions.


In response to questions, the officers reported that:


·         Having a separate AONB/Greenbelt CIL is not defined by parish and would require further study by the consultants, which would result in a delay in the process of introducing the CILs. The impact on capturing money for strategic infrastructure is small in the AONB; and

·         Amendments will be made to the reports:

o   p254 – to include timescales;

o   Discrepancies between the two maps;

o   Ladygrove Site, Didcot should be referred to as Ladygrove East; and

o   Greater clarity on p198 on Sub areas F and G categorisations.


The committee agreed that a delay in the CIL to recategorise the AONB and greenbelt was not advisable and that a review in 2 years would be an opportunity to look at categories.


The committee thanked the officers for their report.

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