Agenda item

Bids for funding for the Community Capital Grants scheme and officer recommendations


The panel received a brief overview from officers on each application and heard addresses from representatives of the applicants and answers to questions as summarised below.


St Leonard and St Catherine Church, Drayton St Leonard – Church bell restoration


Hilary Rogers, a representative of the church, spoke in support of the application.  She reported that the project was being funded by an appeal rather than from church funds and explained that the new, lighter bells could be used throughout the year rather than only in summer.  They could also be rung by younger children.


Shiplake Memorial Hall and Institute – Window and door replacements


The grants officer outlined this proposal and reported that the energy strategy and projects officer had recommended that the applicants investigate the costs and benefits of alternative window options before proceeding with the project.


Garsington Parish Council – Play area improvements


The grants officer outlined this proposal and reported that the applicants had now claimed the grant awarded by the council in 2014/15 for defibrillators.


The Merry Bells Village Hall, Wheatley – Exterior repairs


The grants officer outlined this proposal and reported that this was the first stage of a series of improvements but, as yet, no details of estimated future expenditure had been provided.


Dorchester Parish Council – Re-covering flat roof of sports pavilion


The grants officer outlined this proposal which would enable continued use of the building.


Wallingford Sports Trust – Replacement changing rooms


The grants officer outlined this proposal and reported that, if this application was successful, then the council’s previous award of £100,000 in 2014 towards the project would be withdrawn.


Didcot All Saints’ Church PCC – Rebuilding a boundary wall


The grants officer outlined this proposal and reported that it didn’t appear to offer any direct benefit to the community or allow any community activities to take place.


Harpsden Cricket Club – Astroturf surface, pitch covers and roller engine


The grants officer outlined this proposal and reported that the total cost of the project could be broken down as follows:


            astroturf surface                   £ 3,456

            pitch covers                           £ 4,680

            roller engine                         £ 4,410

                        total                             £12,546


Allsorts Preschool, Brightwell-Cum-Sotwell – Garden improvements


Sally Jackson, a representative of Allsorts preschool, spoke in support of the application. She reported on the proposed improvements which would provide shelter and shade so enabling greater use of the garden.  In response to members’ questions, she reported that the preschool was currently only open in term time but that the feasibility of opening during the summer holidays was being investigated


Little Milton Parish Council – Three defibrillators


The grants officer outlined this proposal.


WatlingtonParish Council – Play area improvements


The grants officer outlined this proposal and confirmed that the application was for a different play area than the one the council previously funded.


Horspath Parish Council – Two defibrillators


The grants officer outlined this proposal.


Marsh Baldon Parish Council – One defibrillator


The grants officer outlined this proposal.


Warborough Parish Council – Refurbishment of tennis courts


Councillor Paul Duncan, a representative of Warborough Parish Council and Charles Humphries, a representative of Shillingford and Warborough Tennis Association (SWATA), spoke in support of the application. They reported that the parish council was providing £3,000 towards the project with SWATA contributing £11,167.


In response to members’ questions, Mr Humphries reported that approximately 25% of the local community were members of SWATA and it was likely that it would seek Lawn Tennis Association affiliation in the near future.


Goring Heath Parish Council – Play area improvements and purchase of a defibrillator


The grants officer outlined this proposal.


Chinnor Parish Council – Play area improvements


Ian White, ward councillor and Jo Wills, representing Chinnor Parish Council, spoke in support of this application. They reported that there was a lack of local facilities for teenagers and that most of the parish council’s reserves were committed to other projects.


Stadhampton Parish Council – Pavilion upgrade and sport equipment


Timothy Perera and Councillors Tony Brandon and Ann Stead, representing Stadhampton Parish Council, spoke in support of this application and reported that the pavilion had been underused for approximately 12 years.


The grants officer reported on additional information received regarding the funding of this project.


Long Wittenham Football Club – Pavilion improvements


The grants officer outlined this proposal and reported that the club had provided some additional information about their ability to secure additional funding.


Benson Parish Council – New front doors for the parish hall


The grants officer outlined this proposal.


Towersey Playing Fields Management Committee – Mobile goal posts


The grants officer outlined this proposal.


Sonning Common Parish Council – Landscaping of skatepark and replacement village bins


The grants officer outlined this proposal. It was noted that the proposals would improve the skatepark and increase its use whilst all village centre users would benefit from improved litter facilities.

Supporting documents: