Agenda item

P15/S0779/FUL - Mill Lane, Chinnor

The erection of 61 dwellings (C3 use) and creation of new public open space; the realignment of Mill Lane to create a new junction with Thame Road; the creation of a vehicular access from the realigned Mill Lane; the delivery of a new car parking facility; public open space; surface water drainage; landscaping; and other ancillary works.


The committee considered application P15/S0779/FUL to erect 61 dwellings and create a new public open space; realign Mill Lane to create a new junction with Thame Road; create a vehicular access from the realigned Mill Lane; deliver a new car parking facility; public open space; surface water drainage; landscaping and other ancillary works on Mill Lane, Chinnor.


Officer update: Chinnor parish council have commented on the amended plans of the scheme, objecting on the grounds of the loss of communal parking.

The officer suggested a reduced time limit from three to two years to commence the development.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Steve Bird, a representative of parish council, spoke objecting to the application.


Keith Webley, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application.


Stewart Butcher, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


Councillors Lynn Lloyd and Ian White, the local ward members, spoke to the application.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application with an extra condition regarding parking and the reduced time limit was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to delegate authority to grant planning permission to the head of planning for application P15/S0779/FUL, subject to:


I.        The prior completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure the affordable housing, financial contributions and obligations stated above; and


II.        The following conditions:


1.    Commencement two years - full planning permission.

2.    Approved plans.

3.    Sample materials to be agreed.

4.    Slab and ridge levels to be agreed.

5.    Compliance with mitigation measures in biodiversity enhancement plan.

6.    Construction hours restriction.

7.    Appropriate provision for the control of noise and dust to be agreed.

8.    Details of external lighting to be agreed.

9.    Air quality mitigation to be agreed.

10. Surface water drainage to be agreed.

11. Foul drainage to be agreed.

12. Drainage strategy for any on and off site works to be agreed (in consultation with Thames Water).

13. Impact studies of the existing water supply to be agreed (in consultation with Thames Water).

14. Remediation scheme to be agreed if contamination is found.

15. Landscaping scheme to be agreed.

16. Landscape management scheme to be agreed.

17. Tree protection to be agreed.

18. Green travel plans to be agreed.

19. Visibility splays to be agreed and retained.

20. Off site highway works to be agreed and a timetable for their implementation to include, but not limited to:

·         details of measures to permanently prevent vehicular access onto Thame Road at existing access point;

·         details of measures for treatment of area to front of 5 and 7 Mill Lane;

·         traffic management measures; and

·         new vehicular access onto Thame Road and Mill Lane.

21. Estate accesses, driveways, parking and turning areas to be provided.

22. Construction traffic management plan to be agreed.

23. Cycle parking to be agreed.

24. No surface water drainage onto highway.

25. First floor bathroom windows in side elevations to be obscure glazed.

26. Provision of fire hydrants to be agreed.

27. Refuse and recycling storage to be agreed.

28. Details of boundary walls and fences to be agreed.

29. Development to achieve Secure by Design Part 2.

30. Notwithstanding details shown on approved plans, a plan showing 15 parking spaces in the communal parking area shall be submitted for approval.

Supporting documents: