Agenda item

P16/S1468/O - Land north of Mill Lane, Chinnor

Application for outline planning permission for the construction of up to 78 dwellings (including affordable housing) with associated access, amenity space and landscaping.


Councillor Ian White, a local ward councillor, stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting on this item.


The committee considered application P16/S1468/O for outline planning permission for the construction of up to 78 dwellings (including affordable housing) with associated access, amenity space and landscaping on land north of Mill Lane, Chinnor.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer updates:

·         Condition 1 of the officer’s report should read – Reserved matters within two years and commencement from reserved matters within one year;

·         Seven further objections have been received, as outlined in the report;

·         Further details of Oxfordshire County Council’s traffic flow data forecast to 2021 takes account of recent developments;

·         The applicant has agreed to incorporate a cycle lane into the road layout.


Robin Williams and Pat Haywood, two representatives of Chinnor parish council, spoke objecting to the application. Their concerns included the following:

·         Despite originally being one of three preferred options identified, this site is no longer considered appropriate;

·         The decision would be premature due to the imminent publication of the neighbourhood plan and emerging local plan;

·         Overdevelopment of Chinnor;

·         Construction noise and disturbance affecting the neighbouring school during term time;

·         Heightened traffic accident fears;

·         Lack of infrastructure; and

·         Loss of hedgerow.


Holly Cringle, Michael Gregory, David Poole and Cliff Culbert, four local residents, spoke objecting to the application. Their concerns included the following:

·         Raw sewage flooding is already a problem on Mill Lane;

·         Impact of construction on school;

·         Traffic dangers;

·         School is already full;

·         Concern for the bat community;

·         Mill Lane is a narrow run, used as a rat run;

·         Should introduce 20mph speed limit and traffic calming measures; and

·         Need to preserve the entire hedgerow.


Nik Lyzba and David Burson, the applicant’s agents, spoke in support of the application. Their speech included the following:

·         No objections from the County Council;

·         The reasons for refusal since the last application was refused have been addressed;

·         There is a condition to ensure the sewerage network is sufficiently  upgraded before occupation;

·         A construction traffic management plan can be imposed;

·         The applicant has had discussions with the school and offered to pay for replacement class rooms – the County Council did not agree that this would be appropriate with regard to CIL money allocation;

·         Ecological surveys have taken place and the impact on the bat and reptile populations can be mitigated; and

·         The site is regarded as a suitable allocation and would contribute to the five year land supply.


Ian White, one of the local ward members, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Chinnor has doubled in size since the sixties and has taken more than its fair share of late;

·         The vibrant rural community will be swamped by dormitory workers;

·         A lot of money is required to upgrade the school;

·         The two surgeries are at capacity; and

·         The cumulative impact of all the other developments approved and awaiting consideration.


The officer responded to questions and comments raised as follows:

·         Oxfordshire County Council are aware of the schooling issues and are working on a project to increase capacity;

·         All technical consultees have offered infrastructure mitigation options and have no objections;

·         The ecologist is satisfied with the mitigations proposed by ecological surveys;

·         Thames Water have to look at capacity and will undertake further offsite works, which will be secured by condition, which in turn could improve the current problems experienced by residents


The committee were not satisfied that the impact of the proposal alongside other developments could be understood without a site visit.


A motion, moved and seconded, to defer the application to allow a site visit, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to defer consideration of application P16/S1468/O to allow a site visit.

Supporting documents: