Agenda item

P15/S2902/O - Land to the north east of Didcot

Outline planning application with details of the means of access only to be considered for a new and integrated neighbourhood to the northeast of Didcot of up to 1880 homes (with up to 40% being affordable housing) and comprising: (i) two new primary schools; (ii) a new secondary school; (iii) a new leisure/sports facility and sports pitches, including a pavilion; (iv) a neighbourhood centre comprising: a 1500 sqm Class A1 (shop) use; up to 5 units, each up to 200 sqm, of small flexible units within Classes A1, A2, A3, A4 or A5; a Class A4 or A3 or mixed use public house/restaurant; a Class C1 hotel; and a Class D1 non-residential institutional use (for example a crèche or children’s day nursery); (v) a new community hall; (vi) a Class C3 residential extra care housing facility; (vii) new areas of green infrastructure including amenity green space, allotments and children's play areas; and (viii) a comprehensive suite of other supporting town-wide and site-specific associated infrastructure.


Councillor Anthony Dearlove stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting on this item.


The committee considered application P15/S2902/O for outline planning permission with details of the means of access only to be considered for a new and integrated neighbourhood to the north east of Didcot of up to 1880 homes (with up to 40% affordable housing) and comprising: (i) two new primary schools; (ii) a new secondary school; iii) a new leisure/sports facility and sports pitches, including a pavilion; (iv) a neighbourhood centre  comprising: a 1500 sq.m Class A1 (shop) use; up to 5 units, each up to 200 sq.m, of small flexible units within Classes A1, A2, A3, A4 or A5; a Class A4 or A3 or mixed use public house/restaurant; a Class C1 hotel; and a Class D1 non-residential institutional use (for example a crèche or children’s day nursery); (v) a new community hall; (vi) a Class C3 residential extra care housing facility; (vii) new areas of green infrastructure including amenity green space, allotments and children's play areas; and (viii) a comprehensive suite of other supporting town-wide and site-specific associated infrastructure on land to the north east of Didcot.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The officer detailed updates since publication of the agenda concerning the completion of a S106 agreement (as attached in the addendum report), and other items to be included in the Recommendation which will include:

  • Twenty five per cent affordable housing.

·         An affordable housing mix of at least 25% affordable rented and the remaining intermediate/shared ownership up to 75%.

·         No cap on affordable rented housing tenure should additional funding become available to increase affordable rented.

·         A matrix approach to contributions applied in the event of an increase in large market homes. Housing mix to be agreed in the S106.

·         S106 and S278 infrastructure as identified in the report and as updated by the addendum.

·         An additional circa £38,000 for strategic transport.

Other updates included:

·         We will seek lifetime homes by condition.

·         The maintenance amounts will need to be made available and passed on to the organisation(s) taking on the open space.

·         A commitment to ongoing discussions on the community centre with the applicants.


Anthony Dearlove, a representative of Didcot town council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Travel and rurality impacts;

·         The safety risk of having an access onto the B4016 where there is a 60mph speed limit; and

·         Although Didcot town council did not object to the application in principle, they felt that it should be refused until the above concerns are addressed.


Gordon Rogers, a representative of Long Wittenham parish council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The significant impact of traffic in an area where there are tailbacks at peak times already;

·         The proposed relief road at Culham is a least ten years away;

·         Local bus services have had subsidies withdrawn; and

·         The access points should be redesigned.


Dr Nick Hards, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The proposed conditions are not adequate to deal with surface water flooding.


Kevin Wilkinson, a representative of HarBUG, spoke to the application. His speech included the following:

·         A proposal for a premium cycle route from the development to the town facilities; and

·         A request to upgrade current routes.


Steven Brown, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. His speech included the following:

·         The development has undergone rigorous viability testing;

·         There have been only 29 objections;

·         Significant contributions will be made to the busy road network; and

·         Overall, it is a sustainable, mixed use development with schools, open space and leisure facility.


In response to members’ questions, the officer came back with the following points:

·         The most up-to-date flood zone assessment was carried out;

·         Conditions 26 – 28 concerning flooding will be worded very carefully. Some works will need to be completed at the outset.

·         There will be a £500k contribution to cycle route improvements on site – it would be very difficult to justify significant off-site works; and

·         The County Council have applied for funding for the Ladygrove and Northern Perimeter Road junction.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion included the following points:

·         25% affordable housing is disappointing;

·         Transport solutions and infrastructure should be in place before commencement;

·         Drainage and traffic conditions should be strongly upheld; and

·         The proposal fits in with the strategic growth pursued by the Council.

A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to delegate authority to the head of planning to grant outline planning permission for application P15/S2902/O, subject to:


i.        The completion of a S106 agreement to include:


a.    25% Affordable Housing

  1. An affordable housing mix of at least 25% affordable rented and the remaining  intermediate/ shared ownership up to 75%
  2. No cap on affordable rented housing tenure should additional funding become available to increase affordable rented.

A matrix approach to contributions applied in the event of an increase in large market homes.  Housing mix to be agreed in the s106S106 and S278 infrastructure as identified in the report as updated by the addendum.An additional sum, circa £38 thousand for strategic transport


ii.        The following conditions:

1.    Approved plans and document list.

2.    Approved land uses (as per masterplan).

3.    Commencement time limit.

4.    Time limit for submission of first reserved matters.

5.    Time limit for submission of remaining reserved matters.



6.    Details of works to gas pipeline

7.    No built development to be occupied in flood zones 2 and 3 and no raising of levels unless agreed.

8.    Buffer zones either side of watercourses.

9.    Hours of construction.

10.Public rights of way - no materials to be deposited, no construction vehicles, no residential or commercial access on any public right of way (PROW).

11.No construction vehicles to use any PROW.

12.No residential or commercial access along any PROW.

13.No gates access open across any PROW.

14.Lifetime homes and wheelchair housing (CSH4).


Pre commencement conditions:

15.Phasing plan.

16.Submission of a site-wide masterplan, development brief and delivery strategy.

17.Submission of a housing delivery document.

18.Open space and community facilities delivery plan (OSCP).

19.Design brief and design codes for character areas

20.Design code for residential areas including principles for secure by design.

21.Construction management plan (CMP).

22.Construction environmental management plan for biodiversity (CEMPB). Overarching strategy and detail with phases.

23.Landscape, environment and ecology management plan (LEMP) – overarching strategy and management /maintenance of Ladygrove Brook, Moor Ditch and the 10 meter buffer zone.

24.Written scheme of archaeological investigation (WSI) to be submitted.

25.Staged programme of archaeological mitigation in accordance with WSI.

26.Intrusive investigation for contamination to be carried out.

27.Submission of a drainage strategy and programme for on and off site works.

28.Studies of water supply infrastructure to be carried out.

29.Surface water drainage scheme and works to be submitted and carried out.

30.Details of levels across the site.


Details to be submitted with reserved matters:

31.Details of access and pedestrian access and crossings.

32.Details of surface and foul drainage to comply with drainage strategy.

33.Details of levels.

34.Details of watercourse crossings to be submitted.

35.Design statement demonstrating compliance with design brief/code.

36.Hard and soft landscaping scheme to comply with LEMP, design brief/code.

37.Replacement planting if damaged/destroyed in five years.

38.Tree protection scheme.

39.Landscape management and maintenance plan.

40.Details of electric vehicle charging points (residential and no-residential).

41.Energy and sustainable design standards non –residential buildings.

42.Noise impact assessment and mitigation measures for non-residential uses with reserved matters.

43.Hours of operation for non-residential uses with reserved matters.

44.Details of lighting for non-residential uses with reserved matters.

45.Detailed specifications for social and community facilities including allotments, community centre, pavilion, playing fields, play areas, tennis courts and MUGA.

46.Accessible toilet to be provided in neighbourhood centre / supermarket.


Prior to occupation:

47.Means of enclosure implemented before occupation.

48.Roads/footpaths to be completed before use / occupation.

49.Cycle parking for non-residential uses.

50.(Travel Plan unless prepared by Oxfordshire County Council.)



Supporting documents: