Agenda item

P16/S2459/FUL - 116-118 Greys Road, Henley-on-Thames

Full planning application for a residential development comprising 17 residential units, together with associated access, car parking, cycle storage, landscaping and drainage, following the demolition of all existing buildings.


Richard Pullen arrived part way through the consideration of this application and was therefore unable to take part in the discussion and voting for this item.


Joan Bland, one of the ward councillors, stepped down from the committee and did not take part in the debate or voting for this item.


The committee considered application P16/S2459/FUL for a full residential development comprising 17 residential units, together with associated access, car parking, cycle storage, landscaping and drainage, following the demolition of all existing buildings at 116-118 Greys Road, Henley-on-Thames.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Will Hamilton, a representative of Henley town council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The figure of 29% affordable housing is contrary to the neighbourhood plan and the South Oxfordshire Local Plan, which both set a 40% minimum;

·         There is no site in the Henley and Harpsden neighbourhood plan that could not accommodate 40% affordable housing;

·         A lack of affordable housing is an issue in Henley, especially among young people;

·         This would be a perfect site to contribute to the five year land supply deficit.


Tracey Puttock, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application:

·         Following consultation with neighbours, concerns have been addressed;

·         A newsletter containing the changes to the scheme have been sent to residents;

·         Affordable housing is the only outstanding issue;

·         If 40% affordable is provided, the site becomes unviable; and

·         To meet the standard industry profitability, there would be no affordable housing on site – the applicant is therefore forgoing the standard profit.


Joan Bland, one of the local ward members, spoke objecting to the application.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate. Their discussion included the following points:

·         This is a good opportunity to provide five affordable homes;

·         Disappointed that 40% affordable homes could not be achieved; and

·         To achieve 40% affordable, the applicant would need to cut costs and increase density.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to delegate authority to the head of planning to grant planning permission for application P16/S2459/FUL, subject to:


i.        The prior completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure the affordable housing, financial contributions and other obligations stated above; and

ii.        The following conditions:


1. Commencement three years - full planning permission.

2. Approved plans.

3. Materials, surfacing and boundary treatments to be agreed.

4. Levels to be agreed.

5. Compliance with recommendations in ecological appraisal.

6. Details of access and visibility splays to be agreed.

7. Details of widened footpath on Greys Road to be agreed.

8. Parking to be provided and retained.

9. Construction method statement to be agreed.

10. Construction traffic management plan to be agreed.

11. Travel information packs to be provided.

12. Landscaping scheme and management to be agreed.

13. Surface water drainage to be agreed.

14. Foul drainage works to be agreed.

15. Air quality mitigation to be agreed.

16. Compliance with remediation strategy and submission of validation report.

17. Provision of fire hydrants to be agreed.

18. Construction hours restriction.

Supporting documents: