Agenda item

P16/S3133/FUL - Earth Trust Centre, Little Wittenham

The creation of a new access track from Sires Hill and the formation of new car parking areas, erection of a new skills and learning building, erection of an amphitheatre, conversion of existing office to cafe (with small farm shop), conversion of existing learning barn to office space, erection of three new barns, erection of replica roundhouses, all associated structures, landscaping, drainage and earthworks.


The committee considered application P16/S31333/FUL for the the creation of a new access track from Sires Hill and the formation of new car parking areas, erection of a new skills and learning building, erection of an amphitheatre, conversion of existing office to cafe (with small farm shop), conversion of existing learning barn to office space, erection of three new barns, erection of replica roundhouses, all associated structures, landscaping, drainage and earthworks at the Earth Trust Centre, Little Wittenham.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Steve Capel-Davies, a representative of Brightwell-cum-Sotwell Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.  The parish council’s concerns included:

·         The harm to the historic landscape; and

·         The adverse impact of the proposed access road.


Graham Warrington, Andrew Lea and Lynda Atkins, representatives of Little Wittenham Parish Council, spoke and stated that the parish council supported the application but had concerns about matters including:

·         The possibility that the proposed access track would not be implemented; and

·         That car park charges would result in the continued use and damage to Hollow Way.


Chris Hollebone, representing local residents, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included:

·         Increased traffic and noise close to dwellings on Sires Hill and Hollow Way;

·         The development would be visually intrusive;

·         The new access track would harm the sensitive landscape of the AONB; and

·         The access onto Sires Hill would be dangerous.


Jane Manley, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application:

·         The current access arrangements and car parking provision were inadequate;

·         The proposals would reduce the damage to Hollow Way;

·         The application was in accordance with planning policies; and.

·         The applicant had worked with the local community to develop the proposals.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant full planning permission for application P16/S3133/FUL for a 3 phase development to improve the facilities, access and parking at the Earth Trust Centre, subject to the prior conclusion of a s106 Agreement to secure a travel plan monitoring fee and highway safety consultation fee, and a s278 agreement to secure highway alterations to access points, and subject to conditions tied to the three phases (as set out in section 8.3 of the report).




In the event that both the s106 and s178 are not signed by 28 April 2017, delegated authority be given to the Head of Development Management to refuse planning permission, or if drawing up of the agreements is ongoing, to agree a reasonable extension of time for the s106 and s278 to be signed.



Phase 1: Learning facilities, roundhouse education area and farm barns


1.    Work to commence within three years

2.    In accordance with approved plans.

3.    In accordance with construction traffic management plan, as amended by supporting information received 13/12/16.

4.    Tree species and tree pit details (Phase 1 - centre).

5.    Details of hard landscape and planting proposals.

6.    Ten year landscape and ecological management plan (Phase 1 - centre).

7.    Tree protection (detailed).

8.    Ecology survey and mitigation.

9.    Archaeological written scheme of investigation (for whole development area).

10. Programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation (for whole development area

11. Travel plan statement.

12. Details of foul water drainage.

13. Details of surface water drainage.

14. Schedule of materials (Phase 1 – centre.)

Phase 2: Access, track and parking; open air amphitheatre; and farm barn


1.    In accordance with approved plans.

2.    In accordance with construction traffic management plan, as amended by supporting information received 13/12/16.

3.    Tree species and tree pit details (Phase 2 - track and parking area).

4.    Details of hard landscape and planting proposals, and implementation.

5.    Ten year landscape and ecological management plan, including parking area (Phase 2 - track and parking area).

6.    Tree protection (detailed).

7.    Updated ecology survey and mitigation

8.    Access on Sires Hill in accordance with design and access statement - Appendix A, unless modified in agreement with the Highways Authority.

9.    Details of gate on Sires Hill, set back from highway.

10. Updated travel plan statement.

11. Event management strategy.

12. Prior to first public use of track, implementation of turning, parking and coach drop-off.

13. Closing up of vehicular access onto Hollow Way (except for emergency vehicles), within six months of first public use of track.

14. Bike shelters / cycle parking.

15. Sustainable drainage scheme (for whole development area).

16. Schedule of materials (Phase 2 - track and parking area).

17. No amplified performances outdoors between 10pm and 8am (next day).

18. Vehicle workshop (farm) – use in connection with farm only; no commercial use.

Phase 3: On-site café


1.    In accordance with approved plans.

2.    Updated construction traffic management plan.

3.    Tree protection (detailed).

4.    Updated ecology survey and mitigation.

5.    Details of foul water drainage.

6.    Details of surface water drainage.

7.    Schedule of materials (Phase 3 - cafe).

8.    Operational hours of café and farm shop only in conjunction with opening hours of centre and associated offices.


Supporting documents: