Agenda item

P16/S3001/O - Land to the rear of Cleeve Cottages, Icknield Road, Goring

New access road and erection of 10 new dwellings.


The committee considered application P16/S3001/O for a new access road and the erection of ten new dwellings on land to the rear of Cleeve Cottages, Icknield Road, Goring.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer update: comments have been received from the Chilterns Conservation Board who have no objections, subject to careful attention being given to the Chilterns Buildings Design Guide at the detailed stage.


The officer also apologised for an error in the report at paragraph 6.29 relating to the commuted sums for affordable housing. The sum of £320,000 as the total sum is correct but the sum per unit of £196,020 is incorrect – it should read £160,000 as the commuted sum for one dwelling.


Paul Knott, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The location is unsuitable with a higher density than the surrounding area;

·         Vehicular demands and on-street parking will be an issue;

·         Units on the south side will be shaded out by the trees on his property which has not been addressed in the Forestry Officer’s comments;

·         The arboricultural impact assessment doesn’t comply with testing shade impact on 21 March, as it was carried out on 21 June; and

·         The garden sizes are below standard requirements.


Patrick Haran and Shaun Tanner, the applicant’s agents, spoken in support of the application:

·         There will be a mix of two and three bedroom dwellings;

·         This site is one of four identified sites in the Goring Neighbourhood Plan;

·         It is a sustainable location, suitable for ten dwellings and identified as infill development; and

·         There have been no technical objections.


David Brooker, a representative of Goring parish council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The proposed development is outside of the village envelope;

·         Request that the affordable housing contribution goes towards affordable rent properties;

·         Request contributions to address traffic calming measures for the High Street as discussed with Oxfordshire County Council; and

·         There is an oversupply of 3/4/5 bedroom houses in the parish, there is a need for 1-2 bedroom properties to cater for young people and down-sizing older people – the parish council would therefore request a condition for the mix of units to reflect this.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate. Their discussion included the following points:

·         Prematurity carries no weight at appeal;

·         The Chiltern Conservation Design Guide would be consulted at the reserved matters stage;

·         The site has been identified in the draft neighbourhood plan as one of the favoured locations within the settlement boundary, suitable for up to ten dwellings;

·         There is no doubt that the properties to the south of the site will be heavily shaded in the summer months, but there will be an element of ‘buyer beware’; and

·         The commuted sum for affordable housing will be used within the parish.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to delegate authority to the head of planning to grant outline planning permission for application P16/S3001/O, subject to the prior completion of the Section 106 agreement and the following conditions:


1.    Commencement - outline planning permission.

2.    Commencement - outline with reserved matters.

3.    Approved plans.

4.    Habitat management plan.

5.    Reptile protection.

6.    Landscaping (including access road and hard standings).

7.    Revised arboricultural method statement required.

8.    Surface water drainage works (details required).

9.    New vehicular access.

10.Vision splay details.

11.Carriageway and footways.

12.Construction traffic management.

13.Travel information pack.

14.Written scheme of investigation.

15.Staged programme of archaeological work.

16.Foul drainage works (details required).

17.Secured by design.

18.Mix of units.

19.Lifetime homes.

Supporting documents: