Agenda item

P16/S3778/O - Land to the west of Ridgeways, New Road, Lower Shiplake

Development of 4 residential units, all matters reserved except access.


The committee considered application P16/S3778/O for outline planning permission to erect four residential units with all matters reserved except for access on land to the west of Ridgeways, New Road, Lower Shiplake.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Tudor Taylor, a representative of Shiplake Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         There have been 71 objections to the application;

·         A previous application for one dwelling on this site was refused at appeal as it would constitute urbanisation of the fringes of Shiplake and would be harmful to the character and appearance of an area of great landscape value – these reasons still stand; and

·         The application does not constitute infill development and is outside the village curtilage.


Professor Wild, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application.  His concerns included the following:

·         The development would result in substantial and demonstrable harm to the rural area;

·         New Road is rough and bumpy with substantial pedestrian traffic; and

·         It is not in keeping with the surrounding area with regard to density.


William Young, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application:

·         To meet concerns raised, the application has reduced in size from seven to four dwellings;

·         No protected trees will be damaged on site; and

·         The proposal accords with the development plan.


Will Hall, one of the local ward councillors, spoke objecting to the application.  His main concern was that the gap with Lower Shiplake would be degraded and in the detrimental change of character.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate. They did not agree that the application met policy requirements and that the development would not have a harmful impact on the landscape setting of the village.


Contrary to the officer’s recommendation, a motion, moved and seconded, to refuse the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to refuse outline planning permission for application P16/S3778/O for the following reasons:


The application site comprises an area of undeveloped land beyond the built up edge of Lower Shiplake.  Due to the location of the site, the proposed development does not represent appropriate infill housing having regard to Policy CSR1 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy, and the proposal would detract from the undeveloped rural character and appearance of the site and its surroundings, and would fail to conserve the landscape setting of Lower Shiplake.   The adverse impacts of the development would significantly and demonstrably outweigh its benefit, and as such, the proposal would not comprise sustainable development as defined by local and national legislation and the proposal is contrary to policies CSS1, CSR1 and CSEN1 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy, policies C4, G2, G4 and D1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 and Government Guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework.


Prior to the conclusion of this item, at 20:25, the committee agreed, in accordance with South Oxfordshire District Council constitution, to continue the meeting for a further period not exceeding 30 minutes.



Supporting documents: