Agenda item

P16/S4275/O - Land north of the A4130 Wallingford Bypass, Wallingford

Residential development of up to 502 dwellings (including an extra care facility), a primary school and access.


Elaine Hornsby, one of the local ward councillors, stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting for this item.


The committee considered outline application P16/S4275/O for a residential development of up to 502 dwellings, including and extra care facility, primary school and access on land north of the A4130 Wallingford Bypass, Wallingford.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer update: The Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group have submitted a consultation response since the publication of the agenda; they are not satisfied with the proposed care home and the strain the development will put on Wallingford Medical Practice. Four further letters of objection have been received from neighbours and Wallingford and Cholsey railway submitted further concerns about boundary treatments.


Adrian Lloyd, a representative of Wallingford Town Council, spoke objecting to the application. Particular issues concerned drainage and flooding, lack of infrastructure including health and sewerage.


ValoryBatchellor and Andrew Millar, spoke objecting to the application. 


Andrew Saunders-Davies, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. He advised that if the school site were not required for education this would be made available for community or health use.


Elaine Hornsby and Imran Lokhon, two of the local ward councillors, spoke objecting to the application. 


Ian Marshall, Senior Transport Planner from Oxfordshire County Council, was present to answer any questions from committee concerning traffic.


In response to questions raised by the committee, the officers reported that:

·         The development would generate 650 peak hour traffic movements.

·         A condition requiring constant monitoring of ground water levels and the SuDS scheme are considered adequate to safeguard drainage and flooding concerns.

·         The development at Site B is likely to cater for an extra school, in which case this site would not need to include a school. Electric charging points will be provided for every dwelling.

·         Wallingford Medical Practice are probably not able to take more patients, but it is currently assessing plans to expand. The extra residents for this development would not all come at once as it would be phased.


Due to the current lack of five year land supply, committee were aware that paragraph 14 of the NPPF was triggered for this particular application and as such, any harm generated by this proposal is not considered sufficiently harmful to warrant such a refusal. Members were reassured that the application would have to come back to committee if the use of the school land were to be changed. Members requested that an extra Grampian-style condition be included to regarding sewage and drainage.

Overall, members were satisfied with the 40% affordable housing as set out in the committee report and the good cycle and pedestrian links. 


A motion, moved and seconded, to authorise the head of planning and chairman of Planning Committee to approve the application with an extra Grampian style condition regarding the provision of infrastructure for sewage and drainage, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to authorise the head of planning and chairman of Planning Committee to grant planning permission for application P16/S4275/O, subject to the following:


I.        The prior completion of a S106 agreement between the applicants, District Council and County Council to include:

      i.        A minimum of 40% affordable housing; the tenure to be 75% affordable rent and 25% shared ownership and a mix and distribution that reflects policy requirements highlighted above in the Affordable Housing section; and

    ii.        On site provisions and contributions as identified in the paragraphs above in the Infrastructure section including: allotments, play areas including at least 1 LEAP and 1 NEAP or alternative facility for older children, playing field and highway infrastructure.


II.        The prior completion of a S106 agreement between the applicants, adjoining owners, the District Council and County Council to include pedestrian and cycle links in the following places:

      i.        North from the application site across the brook into the residential property 69 Brookmead Drive and into Brookmead Drive, the road;

    ii.        East-west route adjacent to Bradfords Brook from the Wates site into the application site; and

   iii.        East-west route from within the Wates site (P15/S0191/O) estate road to application site (near proposed school site).


III.        The following conditions:

1.    Approved plans and documents lists.

2.    Time limit for submission of reserved matters (within six months of outline permission).

3.    Time limit commencement (within one year of first reserved matter approval).

4.    Approved land uses.

5.    Phasing plan.

6.    Lifetime homes and wheelchair housing – 10% in market housing.

7.    Housing delivery document (HDD).

8.    Design code and design statement with reserved matters.

9.    Construction method statement (CMS) including reference to Cholsey and Wallingford railway.

10.Construction traffic management plan.

11.Hours of construction.

12.Archaeological written scheme of investigation (WSI).

13.Staged programme of archaeological mitigation in accordance with the WSI.

14.Intrusive investigation for contamination to be carried out.

15.Access and visibility splay construction details.

16.Details of the works to provide bus stops along Reading Road.

17.Details of access points to and over Bradfords Brook.

18.Details of surface and foul water drainage to comply with the flood risk


19.Details of existing and proposed levels across the site.

20.Biodiversity enhancement method statement and proposals.

21.Studies i) water supply infrastructure ii) sewerage capacity.

22.Tree protection scheme.

23.Soil handling and protection.

24.Hard / soft landscaping scheme - comply with design code/biodiversity

management scheme.

25.Landscape management and maintenance plan.

26.Replacement planting if damaged/destroyed in five years.

27.Noise mitigation – identified in environment statement.

28.Noise assessment – school and plant.

29.Details of construction and works to 69 Brookmead Drive.

30.Details of electric vehicle charging points.

31.Details of lighting.

32.Detailed specifications for allotments and play areas.

33.Details of cycle parking for all residents and to serve facilities / bus stops.

34.Travel plan and information pack.

35.School travel plan.

36.Provision of road and footpaths before occupation.

37.Means of enclosure before occupation.

38.Grampian-style drainage condition for the provision of sewerage infrastructure.


Supporting documents: