Agenda item

Public participation

Members of the public may ask questions of the Chairman of the Growth Board, or address the Growth Board on any substantive item at a meeting, subject to the restrictions set out in the public participation scheme. 


The total amount of time allowed for public participation at a meeting shall not exceed 30 minutes, unless the Chairman consents to extend that time in the interests of the proper conduct of the business of the Growth Board. 


A person speaking to the Growth Board may speak for up to three minutes.  Board members may ask questions for clarification. 


Asking a question

Questions (in full and in writing) must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 25 July 2018.  A written or verbal answer will be provided by the Chairman at the meeting.  The questioner may ask a supplementary question directly related to either the original question or the reply received. 


Addressing the Board

Notice of a wish to address the Growth Board by making a statement must be received by 12 noon on Monday 30 July 2018. 



Petitions on matters directly relevant to matters in which the Growth Board has powers and duties must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 25 July 2018.  The representative of the petitioners may speak.  Petitions are referred without discussion to the next meeting. 


Questions, petitions and notice of addresses must be submitted to or delivered/posted to the Chief Executive at South Oxfordshire District Council, c/o Democratic Services, South Oxfordshire District Council, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB. 


The Growth Board received a question from Jenny Hannaby and an address from Michael Tyce.  The chairman thanked them both for their contributions. 


Question from Jenny Hannaby (who had sent her apologies for absence):


How will the Growth Board contribute to growth of the area to ensure the right mix of affordable housing and key workers are brought forward?  Could they define key workers?”


The chairman read the following response and asked that it was sent to Jenny Hannaby:


Growth Board partners recognise that the cost and availability of housing is a major issue for local employers in the recruitment and retention of staff, including but not confined to those providing essential public services.  The solutions must lie in increasing the overall supply of affordable homes both for key workers and those on low incomes. 


As part of its commitment to sustainable growth within Oxfordshire, Growth Board partners are working with key partner institutions such as Health Trusts and Universities to explore opportunities to bring forward housing developments that provide accommodation for their own employees and a balance of affordable homes.  We are also keen to explore opportunities to link the Housing and Growth Deal affordable housing fund programme to employer-owned sites schemes that could provide affordable housing alongside key worker housing. 


Key worker definitions are a matter for local planning authorities to decide in local plans and may be different in different areas.  The Growth Board partners are engaged in collective work with partners to understand key worker needs and to examine and learn from best practice and innovation in the provision of key worker housing.  It is anticipated that the Growth Board will consider the outcomes of this work later this year.” 


Address from Michael Tyce, on behalf of the Campaign to Protect Rural England:  


The Campaign to Protect Rural England supported the concept of the forthcoming Joint Statutory Spatial Plan as it gave the opportunity for the cohesive planning of new development across Oxfordshire.  However, the Campaign urged caution that a balance would be required to protect the rural character of Oxfordshire. 


Residents were keen to know the development options available and required effective and genuine consultation.  The Growth Board must ensure that decision-making was transparent. 


The Campaign to Protect Rural England would like to be permanent members of the Officer Project Board to ensure a balance between conflicting priorities and protection of the countryside.  The Campaign had a lot to offer to the process and would aid the credibility of the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan outcome. 


The chairman responded by welcoming the Campaign to Protect Rural England’s engagement and interest in the work on the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan.  The Growth Board would ensure that there were opportunities for the Campaign to Protect Rural England along with all interest groups to input to the plan throughout its development. 


The Project Officer Team would be responsible for the technical work and evidence base, and ensuring the right processes were followed during the plan’s development.  It was not possible or appropriate to invite all the different interest groups to be members of the working team, but the Growth Board would need effective mechanisms to involve them in the process.  The Joint Statutory Spatial Plan Project Lead, Rachel Williams, and Project Sponsor, Giles Hughes, had met with Helen Marshall of the Campaign to Protect Rural England earlier this month to discuss the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan.  The chairman suggested that the team met the Campaign to Protect Rural England again in early autumn to discuss future engagement.