Issue - decisions

Corporate plan performance monitoring report Q3 2021/22

28/04/2022 - Corporate plan performance monitoring report Q3 2021/22

Cabinet considered the head of policy and programmes’ report on corporate plan performance monitoring during quarter 3 of 2021/22, being the period 1 October to 31 December 2021. 


The Cabinet member for corporate services, policy and programmes emphasised that the report was high-level to monitor performance of the corporate objectives, and through council’s website it signposted links to other reports where more detail could be found.  The quarter 3 report included a graphical performance highlights summary.  It also identified areas where performance was less than the council would like, providing an open and transparent assessment of the council’s activity.  Looking forward, the quarter 4 report would include an annual summary of performance against the corporate plan. 


The Climate and Ecological Emergencies Advisory Committee and the Scrutiny Committee had both welcomed the report.  Cabinet members concurred and thanked the Cabinet member and officers. 


RESOLVED: to note the corporate plan performance monitoring report for quarter 3, 2021/22.