Issue - decisions

Corporate plan review

15/04/2016 - Corporate plan review

Cabinet considered the head of corporate strategy’s report, which proposed a new corporate plan to cover the period 2016 to 2020.  This identified the council’s strategic objectives and priorities, and would help guide decisions on the allocation of resources.  The corporate plan, if adopted by Council, would replace the priorities set out in the corporate plan that ended in 2016. 


David Turner addressed Cabinet, suggesting that the corporate plan could help with:

·         providing more help to groups developing neighbourhood plans

·         publishing an annual programme for the deep cleansing programme

·         providing rural transport to the council’s leisure centres

·         protecting rural bus services

Mr Turner also welcomed the introduction of budgets for individual councillors and plans to encourage providers to improve mobile phone coverage in rural areas. 


The Cabinet member responsible for the corporate plan tabled an updated version of the plan and described its main points.  He believed the corporate plan would focus activity, guide policy and operational decisions, and inform the public of the council’s aims.  Many policy choices had been made during informal discussions on the draft plan.  Cabinet was invited to make further amendments prior to recommending its adoption to the Council. 


Cabinet supported the draft corporate plan but added ‘increasing participation in activity and sport to improve health’ under the heading of helping people to healthy and active. 


The Cabinet member also thanked the officer for her assistance in developing the plan, and thanked Mr Turner for his suggestions.  The Cabinet member agreed to consider these and any more suggestions recommended by the Scrutiny Committee before the corporate plan would be considered by the Council on 14 April. 


RECOMMENDED: to Council to adopt the Corporate Plan 2016 – 2020 as tabled at the Cabinet meeting, plus the following on page 4:

  • Increasing participation in activity and sport to improve health