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Purpose: to approve the plan
Decision Maker: Cabinet member for economic development and regeneration
Decision published: 25/09/2023
Effective from: 22/09/2023
To approve a Berinsfield Community Delivery Plan as attached at appendix one.
To approve the acceptance of £60,000 funding from Oxfordshire County Council’s public health fund, as a supplementary estimate to the 2023-24 budget to support project number 11 on the delivery plan.
Wards affected: Berinsfield;
Lead officer: Charlotte Cottingham
Decision Maker: Cabinet member for community wellbeing
Decision published: 20/09/2023
Effective from: 15/09/2023
• to utilise £135,465 funding from Oxfordshire County Council for the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP)
• to utilise £131,563 Council Tax Support (CTS), to increase the council tax hardship fund for residents for financial year 2023/24
• to utilise £82,615 Household Support Fund 4 (HSF4) funding from Oxfordshire County Council for local welfare allocation
• to accept aforementioned funding from Oxfordshire County Council and enter into and to make minor amendments on the corresponding funding agreement (appendix one)
• the delegation of authority to the Deputy Chief Executive -Transformation and Operations in consultation with the Head of Finance and s151 officer to approve the associated grants policy and to approve any further associated policies and amendments to them pertaining to the HSF – appendix four.
• the delegation of authority to the Head of Finance and s151 officer to approve the associated grants policy and to approve any further associated policies and associated amendments to them pertaining to DHP and CTS – appendix five and six.
Lead officer: Jayne Bolton