
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

14/07/2022 - Henley Leisure Centre gym equipment ref: 736    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for community wellbeing

Decision published: 22/07/2022

Effective from:


To authorise the Head of Development and Corporate Landlord to enter into a contract with Technogym UK Ltd under Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) Framework 345_20 Lot 2 New Fitness Equipment to replace the gym equipment at Henley Leisure Centre in accordance with the leisure management contract.

Wards affected: Henley-on-Thames;

08/07/2022 - Customer relations management ref: 735    Recommendations Approved

Purpose: to use the approved funds to procure a solution

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for corporate services, policy and programmes

Decision published: 12/07/2022

Effective from: 20/07/2022


To approve additional funding of £42,709 for the purchase of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software package, under 6.4 of the council’s Scheme of Delegation to Officers.


The authority to award the joint contract for both councils is delegated to the Head of Corporate Services in consultation with the respective cabinet members (Cabinet December 2021).   


To approve the purchase of a customer relationship management (CRM) solution at cost of £37080 per council in year 1 and £42780 per council in year 2. A one-off implementation cost of £39,050 per council.


The contract is a joint software licence agreement between Vale of White Horse District Council, South Oxfordshire District Council and GOSS Interactive.


The council has run a procurement evaluation using the GCloud 12 framework (RM 1557.12) for cost comparison and suitability of solution and the outcome is to award to Goss Interactive under a call-off contract for 2 years (with the option to extend for 2 periods of 12 months). The award is made on the basis of the most advantageous to the councils.

Lead officer: Simon Turner

23/06/2022 - Didcot Northern Perimeter Road - Phase 3 (NPR3) ref: 731    Recommendations Approved

Purpose: to approve the transfer of government grant funding

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/07/2022

Effective from: 02/07/2022


Cabinet considered the head of policy and programmes’ report regarding phase 3 of the Didcot Northern Perimeter Road, one of the infrastructure projects in the Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan approved by Cabinet earlier in the meeting (see minute 110).  The road would extend the existing perimeter road, joining Abingdon Road with Hadden Hill. 


In 2016 the government had provided £6.2 million to fund infrastructure works to support the delivery of Didcot Garden Town.  The report sought authority to transfer funds currently held by the council to Oxfordshire County Council, the highways’ authority responsible for delivery of the project.  


Cabinet supported the proposal for as it would contribute to the long-term vision and masterplan for Didcot Garden Town, improving connections in the east-west traffic corridor.  The project would be a catalyst for other improvements required in the town centre, which aimed to encourage a shift away from reliance on the private car and a move towards other modes of transport.  The transfer of funding would enable the County Council to progress the scheme, consequently enabling the viability of other projects within the Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan. 




(a)       authorise the section 151 officer, or in their absence, the chief executive, to agree funding agreement terms which are equal to, or greater than, those imposed by the existing grant conditions to which the council is subject, for the transfer of funds to Oxfordshire County Council to support the delivery of the Didcot Northern Perimeter Road Phase 3 (NPR3); and


(b)       agree the addition of Didcot Northern Perimeter Road Phase 3 (NPR3) (fully funded by government grant funding) to the approved capital programme, in order to facilitate the transfer of funds to Oxfordshire County Council. 

Wards affected: Didcot North East;

Lead officer: Jayne Bolton

23/06/2022 - Corporate plan performance monitoring report quarter 4 and annual review report 2021/22 ref: 733    Recommendations Approved

Purpose: to review performance

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/07/2022

Effective from: 23/06/2022


Cabinet considered the corporate plan performance monitoring report for quarter 4 2021/22, together with the annual review report for 2021/22. 


Cabinet thanked officers and the Cabinet member for the reports.  They showed transparency and accountability for the council’s performance.  The annual review showed areas where the council had achieved, such as affordable housing delivery and nature recovery work, and where further work was needed during the corporate plan period to 2024, such as the diversity and inclusion strategy that was due before Cabinet in the summer.  Progress had also been made in attracting external funding, which had allowed the council to rebuild its finances and support service delivery. 


RESOLVED: to note the corporate plan performance monitoring report for quarter 4, 2021/22 and the annual review report for 2021/22. 

Lead officer: Michelle Wells

23/06/2022 - Design guide ref: 732    Recommendations Approved

Purpose: to approve the joint design guide

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/07/2022

Effective from: 02/07/2022


Cabinet considered the head of planning’s report on a Joint Design Guide.  Following the Council’s decision to pursue a joint local plan with Vale of White Horse District Council, work had commenced on a joint design guide.  If adopted, the joint design guide would become a supplementary planning document to the council’s existing, adopted local plan, and also to the joint local plan once that had been adopted.  It would guide the public when designing new development, and would assist officers and members of the Planning Committee in determining planning applications. 


A draft joint design guide had been subject to public consultation.  The report set out the consultation results and proposed changes to the design guide.  Cabinet was asked to adopt the Joint Design Guide. 


Cabinet welcomed the new Joint Design Guide, believing that it would provide clearer guidance to all users.  In particular, Cabinet was pleased that the new guide was an interactive, online publication, which could be updated quickly as planning legislation changed.  Cabinet also welcomed the changes suggested following the Joint Scrutiny Committee meeting, which had been published as a supplement alongside the Cabinet agenda. 


It was further noted that the Climate and Ecological Emergencies Advisory Committee would review the new guide once adopted.  Any suggested improvements could be implemented by the head of planning under delegation if they were only minor changes.  In the case of major changes, these would have to be subject to the next review of the guide and be subject to public consultation.  However, Cabinet noted that any such changes would require the Vale’s agreement also, as it was a joint guide. 


Cabinet thanked the officers and councillors involved in this project for their work. 




(a)    adopt the Joint Design Guide for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils as a supplementary planning document, subject to the changes set out in the amendment note following the Joint Scrutiny Committee on 20 June 2022; and


(b)    authorise the head of planning, in consultation with the Cabinet member for planning (South) and the Cabinet member for corporate services and transformation (Vale), to make necessary minor amendments or typographical corrections to the supplementary planning document prior to publication and undertake any factual updates thereafter (e.g. web links and live neighbourhood plan maps). 

Lead officer: Jake Bassett, Marta Bou Fernandez

23/06/2022 - Didcot Garden Town - new delivery plan ref: 730    Recommendations Approved

Purpose: to accept the award of government funding and agree key priorities

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/07/2022

Effective from: 02/07/2022


Cabinet considered the head of policy and programmes’ report.  This set out a revised delivery plan for Didcot Garden Town.  The report sought approval of a revised delivery plan and associated budget, to enable a more focused plan to bring forward community improvements, assist recovery of the garden town area following the pandemic, and to address the climate emergency. 


To do this South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse district councils were working together, drawing funds from their Council-approved reserves.  The initial estimate was £825,000, with £660,000 being from South Oxfordshire, and £165,000 from the Vale.  Cabinet was asked to authorise the movement of the council’s funds into the budget year 2022/23.  Any unspent funds at the financial year end would be carried forward into following years, with agreement of the section 151 officer in consultation with the appropriate head of service. 


Cabinet welcomed the new delivery plan, which was simpler and more deliverable than its predecessor, and would provide Didcot with facilities it deserved.  Once the initial funding had been approved and a team established, the next step would be to timetable the delivery of the plan, working with Oxfordshire County Council on major infrastructure projects.  This should help address road congestion, particularly in the town centre.  There would be a walking and cycling strategy also to reduce reliance on private car journeys. 




(a)       approve the revised delivery plan for Didcot Garden Town, as shown in Appendix 2 to the head of policy and programmes’ report to Cabinet on 23 June 2022; and


(b)       agree a supplementary estimate to the 2022/23 revenue budget of £660,000, fully funded from the grant monies held in the council's reserves, thereafter, to be managed by the relevant budget holder to deliver the approved delivery plan. 

Wards affected: Cholsey; Didcot North East; Didcot South; Didcot West; Sandford and the Wittenhams;

Lead officer: Jayne Bolton

06/07/2022 - Covid-19 additional relief funding ref: 734    Recommendations Approved

Purpose: to accept government funding and approve a discretionary scheme to assist local businesses

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for finance and property assets

Decision published: 06/07/2022

Effective from: 06/07/2022


To approve a scheme to determine and make Business Rate relief awards under the government’s Discretionary COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund Scheme (CARF) in accordance with Government guidance. The scheme is targeting businesses 2021/2022 net rates liability and will be applied to ratepayers’ business rate accounts as a rates relief (not grant payment) based on a fixed percentage rate of their 2021/22 charge. This will help ensure maximum coverage of the relief available. 

Lead officer: Trevor Gaffney