Issue details

To create a budget for £76,600 and release S106 funding to Chinnor Parish Council towards the wayfinding, signage and art trail project (phase 2): construction and installation of bespoke artworks and marker posts.

To approve the release of S106 funding to Chinnor Parish Council.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: To incur expenditure, make savings or to receive income of more than £75,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/10/2024

Decision due: 26 Nov 2024 by Cabinet member for finance and property assets

Lead member: Cabinet member for finance and property assets

Lead director: Head of finance

Contact: Silke O'Ferrall Email:


Councillor Pieter-Paul Barker


  • To create a budget for £76,600 and release S106 funding to Chinnor Parish Council towards the wayfinding, signage and art trail project (phase 2): construction and installation of bespoke artworks and marker posts.  
  • To create a budget for £76,600 and release S106 funding to Chinnor Parish Council towards the wayfinding, signage and art trail project (phase 2): construction and installation of bespoke artworks and marker posts.