Register of interests

Anne-Marie Simpson

I, Anne-Marie Simpson, a member of South Oxfordshire District Council, give notice that I have set out below the disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable interests, which are required to be notified to the monitoring officer further to the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 and the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 and the Code of Conduct.

1. Employment, office, trade, profession, or vocation carried on for profit or gain (e.g. job title, company name, and address of office)
Councillor Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Receive remuneration for the provision of a management service for a property, Mallards Wing, OX10 9HR private wealth management, Belle capital UK ltd, 42 Berkeley Square, London, W1J 5AW
ICAEW Fellow (FCA) Membership no 8238959 -
2. Sponsorship (including election funding)
Councillor Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
none none
3. Contracts with your council, which are still active
Councillor Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
none none
4. Land and property within the area of your council of which you are a member
Councillor Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
House Owner, Anne-Marie Simpson in joint ownership with siblings (not resident in the UK) Nina Pringle & Christopher Ogden: Address, Mallards, Moulsford, Wallingford, OX10 9HR None
5. Licences with your council
Councillor Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
none none
6. Corporate tenancies with your council
Councillor Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
none none
7. Securities (see guidance for shareholding limits)
Councillor Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
none none
8. Other registrable interests (councillor only)
Exec Committee member of Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine
Regular donor to Thames Valley Air Ambulance