Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership Board

Register of Interests Form


Please read this guidance before completing the form below:


Who does this form apply to?

The following form should be completed by all members of the Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership Board (“the LNP”).


Why is this information required?

The Board is made up of individuals who represent other organisations who share an interest in the aims and field of operation of the LNP. At times, the LNP Board may make decisions or grant approval to matters which may – directly or indirectly – affect the financial or other wellbeing of those other organisations. 


Members of the Board should consider all matters which come before them on their individual merits, taking into account the overall aims and purpose of the LNP.  They should not be influenced – or give the appearance of being influenced – by the interests of the organisation they represent.  Similarly, the Board Member’s own financial or other wellbeing may be impacted by the activities.


For these reasons, and in the interests of transparency, members of the Board are asked to give full disclosure of their Interests.


Section 1: Employment etc.

You should include “any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain”.


Please ensure that

·           you include a short description of the activity concerned: for example, "Computer Operator" or "Accountant"

·           you give the name of any employer, e.g. the company which pays your salary or wages, or list yourself as self-employed if applicable

·           The address of your place of work or office

·           where an office is held, the name of the person or body who made the appointment is given


Please note that there is no need to enter (as examples) “retired” or “retired doctor” – if there is nothing which applies to you under this section, please simply enter “None”.


Section 2: Contracts

You should include details of any contract between you or a body in which either of you have a beneficial interest, and a council in Oxfordshire or the LNP.


·             under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed; and

·             which has not been fully discharged, i.e. is still in operation

(A body in which you have a beneficial interest means a firm in which you/they are a partner, or a body corporate of which you/they are a director[1], or in the securities of which you/they have a beneficial interest).



Section 3: Land and Property

You should include details of any land which is within the area of Oxfordshire in which you have a beneficial interest.


“Land” excludes an easement, servitude, interest or right in or over land which does not carry with it a right for you or your spouse to occupy the land or to receive income.


Please ensure that:

·             you give the address or a brief description to identify the land.

·             you should include your home under this heading as owner, lessee or tenant


Section 4: Other Non-pecuniary interests

A non-pecuniary interest is an interest which is not pecuniary but it is nonetheless so significant that a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard it as so significant that it would materially impact upon your judgement of the public interest


a)    Any unpaid directorships

b)    Any body of which you are a member or are in a position of general control or management and to which you are nominated or appointed by your organisation.

c)    Any body

(i)            exercising functions of a public nature

(ii)          directed to a charitable purpose; or

(iii)         one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union)

of which you are a member or in a position of general control or management.


Changes to information provided

It is essential that any change to the interests specified in the following form, is notified in writing to the LNP secretariat as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the change, by completing an updated copy of this form with the additional information.


Further Declarations of Interest by Board Member directors

If a Board Member subsequently becomes interested (directly or indirectly) in a transaction or arrangement with the LNP and the nature of that interest is not disclosed on this form, it is the responsibility of the Board Member to ensure that they make a separate and specific declaration of that interest to the Board either prior to the proposed transaction being entered into, or as soon as practicable thereafter. Such a declaration may be made by completing an additional copy of this form.


Board Members’ conflicts of interests

In addition to the duty to declare interests in actual or proposed transactions, the LNP should take care to avoid a situation whereby their personal or other interests and the interests of the LNP conflict or have the potential to conflict, unless such conflict or potential conflict of interest is notified to and approved by the other Board Members.  An example might be where a Board Member holds a prominent position on another area’s LNP that is competing for the same funds or has a divergent view on a matter, or where you or your spouse or your business are in a position to exploit an opportunity that the LNP also wishes to exploit.


Board Members whose personal or other interests conflict with those of the LNP must therefore take steps to withdraw from discussions on any matter where the conflict arises, or else seek the authorisation of the Board to continue to be engaged with it.


Data protection and Freedom of Information

The information collected on this form will be used by the LNP to monitor its compliance and the compliance of the individuals completing it with the law relating to conflicts of interests.

The register that will be open to inspection by the Board Members and by senior officers of the Local Authorities in whose areas the LNP operates.  The contents of the register may also be disclosed by the LNP to government or supervisory authorities with a right to audit its activities or records and to its professional advisers.


The LNP will comply with its obligations under applicable data protection legislation.

If the LNP becomes subject to the Freedom of Information Act, it shall comply with its obligations under that Act. 


Subject to the above provisions, the LNP shall not disclose or use the information gathered on this form for any other purpose.


The Register(s) of individual Board Members shall be retained for a period not exceeding two years from the date the Board Member ceases to be a Member of the LNP Board.




LNP Board membership sector:


Section 1: Employment, office, trade, profession, or vocation carried out for profit or gain, (e.g., job title, company name and address of office)









Section 2: Contracts with a local authority within Oxfordshire













Section 3: Land and property owned, leased or rented within Oxfordshire












Section 4: Other non-pecuniary interests (For example membership of organisations)















I confirm that I have disclosed all of my pecuniary interests. I understand that it is my responsibility to disclose to the Clerk to the Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership additional interests as they arise.


Signed: …………………………………………………………………………………..


Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………




                                    Clerk to the Local Nature Partnership







Guidance on bias in decision making


You must not take part in matters which directly relate to the interests of you or a close associate (such as a family member or friend) or where you or they are affected more than the majority of people. In addition, even where no interest arises you must ensure that you take any decision with an open mind weighing up all relevant factors.


If you are in any doubt regarding whether an interest might give rise to apparent bias (or a perception of bias) please contact the Clerk to the Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership at futureoxfordshirepartnership@southandvale.gov.uk



[1] “Director” includes a member of the committee of management of an industrial and provident society.