Decision details

Community infrastructure levy charging schedule and developer contributions supplementary planning document

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose: to approve the documents for consultation


Cabinet considered the head of policy and programmes’ report.  This sought agreement to the proposed new community infrastructure levy rates for the district so that a draft charging schedule and a revised developer contributions supplementary planning document could be published for public consultation. 


The report investigated the option of maintaining the current levy rates.  However, the Cabinet member for planning explained that the charging schedule needed to be reviewed to maximise the effectiveness of the community infrastructure levy in helping to deliver the necessary infrastructure to support development across the district.  The Cabinet member also pointed to the infrastructure funding gap assessment, and the community infrastructure levy viability assessment, both of which were appended to the report. 


The report assessed the option of levying different rates for greenfield and brownfield developments, which was rejected due to regulatory issues and the complexity and associated costs.  Instead, the Cabinet member recommended that the charging schedule had three geographical zones for residential development: the southern parishes of the district, Didcot and Berinsfield, and the rest of the district.  A map showing these zones was included in the appendix to the report.  The proposed charging schedule also recommended levy rates for student accommodation and retail development.  There would be no levy for offices/industrial development, nor for residential development on strategic sites. 


Cabinet supported the proposals, believing that they struck the right balance between the need to increase the levy and the need for fairness.  The new charging schedule would raise additional funds for much needed infrastructure in local communities.  Cabinet also welcomed the introduction of three charging zones, with a separate zone for Didcot and Berinsfield. 


Following any necessary changes required as a result of the consultation responses, Cabinet noted that the charging schedule would be submitted for independent examination. 




(a)       approve the proposed new Community Infrastructure Levy rates for public consultation, as set out in Table 1 of the head of policy and programmes’ report to Cabinet on 3 February 2022; 


(b)       authorise the head of policy and programmes, in consultation with the Cabinet member for planning, to make any necessary further minor changes to the Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and associated maps and the Draft Supplementary Planning Document, prior to public consultation; 


(c)        publish the Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and draft Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document for public consultation for a minimum of a four-week period; and 


(d)       following public consultation, to authorise the head of policy and programmes, in consultation with the Cabinet member for planning, consideration of all representations made, making any necessary amendments to the Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and Draft Supplementary Planning Document.  The Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule document and associated information will then be submitted for independent examination. 

Report author: Lucy Murfett

Publication date: 22/02/2022

Date of decision: 03/02/2022

Decided at meeting: 03/02/2022 - Cabinet

Date comes into force if not called in: 12/02/2022

Call-in deadline date: 11/02/2022

Accompanying Documents: