37 Five Councils Capita contract changes PDF 106 KB
To consider the head of partnership and insight’s report.
Cabinet considered the report of the head of partnership and insight, which updated on implementing the changes to the Five Councils Partnership corporate services contract with Capita. The report also set out an action plan for the council to address immediate deficiencies in the council’s IT systems.
Councillor David Turner addressed Cabinet, reporting on the positive feedback from the Scrutiny Committee’s consideration of this matter. He believed that progress had been made in the spirit of mutual co-operation between the council and its contractor, Capita, in improving the corporate services provided through the partnership. He hoped this would continue.
The Cabinet member for partnership and insight believed that steady progress had been made to service provision to better meet the council’s needs. Governance had also been improved across the partnership. This had driven service improvements for local residents. He proposed the recommendations set out in the report. Cabinet supported these.
(a) support the proposed changes being progressed with the Five Councils Partnership and to note the process required to enact them; and
(b) confirm that the delegated responsibility for completing the proposed changes rests with the chief executive in line with the Five Councils Partnership Inter-Authority Agreement.