Berinsfield community investment scheme - exempt appendix
To consider the exempt appendix 1 to the report of the head of development and regeneration.
Additional documents:
Cabinet received and noted the exempt information contained in the appendix to the head of development and regeneration’s report on the Berinsfield community investment scheme.
72 Berinsfield community investment scheme PDF 152 KB
To consider the report of the head of development and regeneration.
Councillors Felix Bloomfield and Bill Service left the meeting during the consideration of this item to allow them to determine and future planning policy matters for Berinsfield.
Cabinet considered the head of development and regeneration’s report on the Berinsfield community investment scheme. This updated Cabinet on progress with the scheme and sought approval for the way forward.
The report set out the background to the Berinsfield project, provided options for the level of control that the council might wish to retain, and sought approval in principle for initial work to be carried out before a formal proposal was submitted to Cabinet in 2019, including actions for strengthened partnership working and clarification of roles and responsibilities. The report also sought a delegation to procure consultancy advice, and updated Cabinet on the Berinsfield community services grants programme.
The options set out in the report were:
A. The council retained some element of control over the project while ensuring it did not take on too much responsibility and associated risk.
B. The council invested considerable additional resources, staff and financial, to acquire the land (either alone or in partnership with other stakeholders) and deliver the new development and associated community infrastructure as a developer.
C. The council retained only the level of control available through the planning process and, once the Local Plan had set the strategic framework, the major development site and infill sites in the existing village might be delivered by the private sector.
Cabinet considered that the aim was to improve Berinsfield for its local residents. To make this deliverable, the council had to manage the risks to the project’s success. Options B and C were therefore rejected as they did not provide this control. Cabinet preferred option A, to retain some element of control over the project while ensuring the council did not take on too much responsibility and associated risk. The council would work with the Mount Farm landowner, with Oxfordshire County Council, Soha Housing, and Homes England in a partnership approach.
Cabinet noted, but did not debate, the confidential appendix.
(a) approve that the project becomes the phased but comprehensive enhancement and expansion of Berinsfield;
(b) support the concept of Garden Village status and pursue this if it is demonstrated that this could enhance the ability to deliver the project;
(c) define the council’s desired roles and responsibilities through initial joint progression with the main landowners, to set in motion collaborative working agreements, clarifying roles and responsibilities, with Oxfordshire County Council, the Mount Farm landowner and Soha Housing, and to explore the potential advantages and disadvantages of upfront investment from Homes England, all with a view to bringing a formal proposal to Cabinet later in 2019;
(d) approve the principle of retaining some element of control over the Berinsfield project, while ensuring that the council does not take on too much responsibility and associated risk;
(e) authorise the head of development and regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet member for development and regeneration, ... view the full minutes text for item 72