6 Corporate plan 2020 to 2024 PDF 593 KB
Cabinet considered the draft corporate plan for 2020 to 2024. The Cabinet member for corporate services thanked the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee and the Scrutiny Committee for their comments, which would be taken into account in the final draft plan; the committees’ suggestions were all valid. There would also be a variety of methods used to consult, including video messages from Cabinet members. The consultation would run from 16 July to 13 August. The consultation results would inform any changes needed to the plan before it was submitted to Cabinet on 1 October and to Council for approval on 8 October 2020.
Cabinet welcomed the feedback from the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee and the Scrutiny Committee and thanked officers and the Cabinet member for their work on the draft plan. Cabinet supported the draft corporate plan and looked forward to the consultation results in the autumn.
RESOLVED to approve the draft corporate plan 2020 to 2024 for consultation.