8 Didcot Northern Perimeter Road - Phase 3 (NPR3) PDF 209 KB
To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report.
Cabinet considered the head of policy and programmes’ report regarding phase 3 of the Didcot Northern Perimeter Road, one of the infrastructure projects in the Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan approved by Cabinet earlier in the meeting (see minute 110). The road would extend the existing perimeter road, joining Abingdon Road with Hadden Hill.
In 2016 the government had provided £6.2 million to fund infrastructure works to support the delivery of Didcot Garden Town. The report sought authority to transfer funds currently held by the council to Oxfordshire County Council, the highways’ authority responsible for delivery of the project.
Cabinet supported the proposal for as it would contribute to the long-term vision and masterplan for Didcot Garden Town, improving connections in the east-west traffic corridor. The project would be a catalyst for other improvements required in the town centre, which aimed to encourage a shift away from reliance on the private car and a move towards other modes of transport. The transfer of funding would enable the County Council to progress the scheme, consequently enabling the viability of other projects within the Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan.
(a) authorise the section 151 officer, or in their absence, the chief executive, to agree funding agreement terms which are equal to, or greater than, those imposed by the existing grant conditions to which the council is subject, for the transfer of funds to Oxfordshire County Council to support the delivery of the Didcot Northern Perimeter Road Phase 3 (NPR3); and
(b) agree the addition of Didcot Northern Perimeter Road Phase 3 (NPR3) (fully funded by government grant funding) to the approved capital programme, in order to facilitate the transfer of funds to Oxfordshire County Council.