63 Corporate Plan and Climate Action Plan performance reports - quarter 2, 2022/23 PDF 18 MB
To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report.
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Cabinet considered the head of policy and programmes’ report, which set out the quarter 2 performance monitoring reports against the Corporate Plan and the Climate Action Plan.
The Cabinet member welcomed the reports; they illustrated the good work being undertaken by the council in achieving its corporate objectives. For example, the council’s performance in tackling homelessness was significantly ahead of the council average for the South East of England. There had also been improvements to the website and the data hub would soon be introduced also. The reports showed many examples of cross-service working.
Cabinet concurred and noted that the council had recently achieved additional government funding through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which would support the council’s corporate objectives.
RESOLVED: to note the Corporate Plan and Climate Action Plan Performance Reports for quarter 2, 2022/23.