64 Future Delivery of Household Waste and Street Cleansing Services PDF 302 KB
To consider the Head of Housing and Environment’s report.
Cabinet received the report on the Future Delivery of Household Waste and Street Cleansing Services from the head of housing and environment. The report sought to outline the options for future provision of the household waste collection and street cleansing services and commence formal procurement in line with Option 1.
The cabinet member for environment introduced the report and gave an overview of the Council’s waste and street cleansing services. Members were informed that the services were performing well, with a high satisfaction rate among residents. However, the current contract with Biffa Municipal Ltd was due to end in June 2026 and thus was crucial to begin reviewing options for future service delivery. Officers had reviewed the available service provision options and recommended that the Council’s procure a new contract. Under the proposed contract, the council would provide vehicles and access to a vehicle depot.
The Joint Scrutiny Committee had supported the progression of the report but asked for Cabinet to be mindful of the positives in other options, and if resulting procurement outcomes are not suitable, they suggested having contingency in other options and engagement in further exploration of other options in terms of costs and risks.
Cabinet welcomed the report and recognised that household waste and street cleansing services were some of the most high-profile and public-facing services provided by the council. A view was expressed that the priority was to meet our statutory duty to deliver this service, as well as being mindful of minimising risks particularly around multiple contract end dates the councils have coming forward.
After reviewing the options set out in the report, Cabinet unanimously agreed to proceed with Option 1 and undertake a joint procurement exercise with Vale of White Horse District Council.
RESOLVED: that Cabinet:
a) Reviewed the options available for the future household waste and street cleansing service provision from June 2026, as set out in the report.
b) Subject to this review, agreed to progress Option 1 and delegate to the Head of Housing and Environment, in consultation with the responsible cabinet member, to undertake a joint procurement exercise between South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District Council to let a new joint contract for Household Waste Collection and Street Cleansing Services from 29 June 2026.