55 District Net Zero Target PDF 393 KB
To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report.
Cabinet received the District Net Zero Target report from the Head of Policy and Programmes. The report sought to commit the council to a new, but still ambitious, target of 2045 to reach net zero carbon for the district.
Councillor David Rouane presented the report and highlighted that the largest contributor to carbon emissions in the district was housing. It was explained that work was underway to investigating carbon-insetting, by retrofitting old housing stock. However, the process was complicated and costly. Moreover, there was a lack of skilled workers capable of carrying out the work. The council had urged local institutions, including the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP), to address this gap. Furthermore, inconsistency in the government grant system presented a challenge to retrofitting efforts as uncertainty with funding discouraged investment in the sector.
Planning regulations emerged as a significant public concern, particularly in relation to the construction of new homes lacking solar panels and sufficient insulation. It was observed that while the council could encourage developers to surpass national standards, it had limited authority to mandate such improvements.
In the discussion that followed, it was proposed that the district had a greater level of influence on transport emissions through its role as planning authority and should be considered in the ‘intermediate influence’ category. Given that transport accounts for the largest share of emissions at 41 percent, it was emphasized that public attitudes toward transportation must shift to effectively reduce carbon consumption. Additionally, it was noted that planning policies should actively promote sustainable transport options.
Cabinet were content with the report and agreed to endorse a new 2045 target for reaching net zero carbon for the district.
a) That Cabinet formally recognises that the aspirational target of being a net zero carbon district by 2030 cannot be met.
b) That Cabinet commits to a new but still ambitious target of 2045 for reaching net zero carbon for the district, and to work within our sphere of influence to accelerate this decarbonisation as much as possible, in particular by working in partnership to deliver the Oxfordshire Net Zero Route Map and Action Plan.