68 Corporate Plan annual performance report PDF 2 MB
To consider the Head of Policy and Programme’s report.
Scrutiny Committee considered the report on 1 October 2024 and the minutes of this meeting can be found on the council’s website.
Cabinet considered the 2023/24 Annual Corporate Performance Report.
The cabinet member for corporate services highlighted the progress made under the six themes of the corporate plan. The report contained the detailed action plans and team plans for all council activities. The performance rating (RAG) was mostly green, indicating strong results. The report was praised for showcasing the council's successful actions and efforts over the past four years, especially in embedding the themes into everyday council work.
Cabinet commended the actions taken to address the climate emergency, especially in planning and land use. The progress on the Joint Local Plan (JLP) was highlighted, with notable advances in climate-related actions such as decarbonisation schemes for leisure centres, solar panel installations and biodiversity initiatives. The ongoing work on housing delivery strategies and the significant progress made in addressing local housing needs were also recognized.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet notes the contents of the report.