83 Performing Arts Grants Policy PDF 191 KB
To consider the report from the Head of Communities.
Cabinet received the South Oxfordshire Performing Arts Grant Policy and grants award procedure from the head of communities. The policy sought to distribute grants to community arts and culture groups that benefit the South Oxfordshire District Council area.
The cabinet member for communities introduced the report, which proposed the allocation of £60,000 annually over the next three years to support community performing arts groups. The aim on the policy was to enhance community well-being, encourage inclusivity, support local creativity, and help build the capacity of the performing arts sector. The cabinet member thanked officers and the community grants team for their support in developing the policy.
During discussion, it was explained that core costs were not included in the grant scheme as the funding was intended as a one-off, three-year initiative. The focus was on stimulating growth and supporting the sustainability of community groups in the performing arts sector as organisations recover post-COVID. It was noted that organisations could apply for multiple projects and that the scheme is designed to support a variety of needs within the sector.
Members were informed that the scheme’s funding would be reassessed each year as part of the budget setting process, allowing for adjustments based on effectiveness.
Cabinet acknowledged the concerns raised by Councillor Grawysiak during public participation. Members expressed the view that the redistribution of funding would benefit a range of arts organisations across the district. Cabinet also recognised the importance of improving arts networks in the district and the importance of geographical distribution to ensure village groups aren’t excluded.
The discussion also touched on the "first come, first served" system for grant applications, with a focus on expanding access to ensure that well-established organizations were not the only ones benefiting. It was noted that towns and parish councils play a key role in supporting smaller arts organizations, particularly those that may struggle with formal registration processes, by acting as intermediaries to help them access funding.
The cabinet member for communities proposed an amendment to appendix 1, the Performing Arts Grant Scheme. This would enable the scheme to be updated to a four-week application period starting on 1 February 2025.
Following debate, and being put to the vote, the amendment was declared carried and became the substantive motion. The amendment added a third recommendation to the motion to delegate to the Head of Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Communities, to update the policy.
On being put the substantive motion was approved.
RESOLVED: that Cabinet:
a) Agree the Performing Arts Grants Policy as detailed at appendix 1 of this report and implement the distribution of the £60K grant funding each year for the next 3 years (2024 – 2027), subject to annual Full Council budget approval.
b) Authorise the assessment and allocation of grant awards as detailed in this report and delegated to the Head of Communities in consultation with the Head of Finance (Section 151 Officer) and relevant Cabinet Member.
c) Delegates to the Head of Communities, in consultation with ... view the full minutes text for item 83