41 Local lottery scheme PDF 140 KB
To consider the head of corporate service’s report.
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Cabinet considered the head of corporate services’ report on the implementation of a local lottery scheme. The introduction of this scheme was in the corporate plan as a priority to raise funds that could be redistributed to benefit local community groups and charities and generate funding for the local voluntary and community sector. The scheme would allow charities and community groups to advertise their events and would provide people with a choice on how the lottery money should be spent.
Cabinet noted that the options were to deliver a local lottery scheme through either an external lottery manager or manage it in-house. Cabinet preferred to seek an external lottery manager that had experience of running such operations.
Cabinet agreed to introduce a local lottery scheme but recognised that there would need to be further discussion on how the income was allocated.
(a) approve the business case for the establishment of a local lottery scheme and authorise the head of corporate services, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet member, to determine the operational and management processes for the scheme;
(b) approve the appointment of Gatherwell Ltd as the external lottery manager;
(c) agree that the head of corporate services and the policy & partnership manager be the licence holders and authorise them to submit the necessary application to the Gambling Commission;
(d) agree the eligibility criteria for groups who are able to sign up to the lottery, attached to the report of the head of corporate services; and
(e) agree that the ongoing costs, capped at £2,000 per annum, should be met from the general income received.