Agenda item

Update from Councillor Ian Hudspeth, Chair of the Infrastructure sub-group

Councillor Ian Hudspeth, Chair of the Growth Board Infrastructure Sub-Group and Leader of Oxfordshire County Council has been invited to join this meeting to give an update.


The Chair welcomed Councillor Ian Hudspeth, Chair of the Growth Board Infrastructure Advisory Sub-Group (ISG), to the meeting. Councillor Hudspeth provided an update on the work of the sub-group, highlighting the following key points:


·           Covid-19 would impact on all aspects of the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal including infrastructure delivery.

·           The remit of the ISG included monitoring the delivery of Housing Infrastructure Fund, (HIF 1 and 2 deals). It also included oversight of the infrastructure elements of the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal.

·           There were currently delays within the programme. The importance of ensuring delivery of the projects within the specified time periods was highlighted as it might affect Oxfordshire’s reputation in respects of future bids.

·           The renewal of the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy (OxIS), was an important project and a key document in providing a solid evidence base of Oxfordshire’s infrastructure needs.

·           The ISG had received presentations from the Environment agency and Thames Water on future environmental and water/sewerage infrastructure at the strategic level.

·           Important work had been undertaken to improve digital infrastructure within Oxfordshire. It was, nevertheless, recognised that much more needed to be done.

·           The ISG continued to examine and consider the county’s transport infrastructure. This included the Oxfordshire Rail Corridor Study which had highlighted the need for the Cowley Branch Line. Despite the difficulties presented by Covid-19, rail connectivity and resolving the ‘first mile, last mile’ elements of journeys remained very important.

·           Approval by the Cabinet of Oxfordshire County Council of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.


In discussion, the Panel asked if further information could be provided on what had been achieved to date regarding the delivery of projects. The Housing and Growth Deal had been in place for three years, with several projects due to culminate during Year 2. The Chair of the Panel repeated a request that a Gantt Chart would be a useful way of conveying this information. Members were informed that this information could be made available in due course.


The Panel was informed that whilst the impact of Covid-19 had not explicitly changed the remit of the Growth Board and the ISG, the sub-group would continue to seek to facilitate the provision of projects supporting a transition away from car use. Although the HIF 1 deal already contained cycle and bridge provision, it was possible that there would be wider changes arising from the recently announced Active Travel Fund.


Panel members welcomed the importance placed on cycleway scheme provision but cautioned that they needed to be designed with the needs of cyclist’s front and centre. While reassurance was given that the requirements of cyclists would be thoroughly considered, the challenges around funding (especially in relation to the retrofitting of existing routes) was highlighted.


In addition, every effort would be made to fairly balance the recognisably different needs of rural and urban communities. Part of this was improved digital connectivity and initiatives such as the provision of smaller scale park & rides along the A420, and the co-location of secure cycle storage and bus stops.


Several members felt, given the importance of climate change, that there should be more active encouragement of changes in personal behaviour. It was believed unlikely that the necessary lifestyle adjustments would occur organically. While it was recognised that Oxfordshire had a good record in securing funding to support such schemes, it was for individual councils to take the lead role in bringing about change within their own geographical areas.


Members observed that across the Oxford to Cambridge Arc there remained a wide range of opinions regarding the Expressway proposals. They acknowledged, however, that any decision on its future remained in the hands of HM Government.


RESOLVED: The Scrutiny Panel recommended that the Growth Board commission officers to produce a Gantt chart or table showing progress against delivery of investment in infrastructure to support homes (as part of the Homes from Infrastructure workstream within the Housing and Growth Deal), including any available information on the likely impact of Covid-19 on these projects.